Articles: postoperative-pain.
Gynecologic oncology · Jul 1990
Simplified postoperative patient-controlled analgesia on a gynecologic oncology service.
Twenty-nine women who underwent various abdominal operations for gynecologic malignancies self-administered postoperative analgesia by means of disposable Travenol Infusors with Patient Control Modules. Administration of morphine sulfate at a rate of 1 mg per injection and a maximum of 10 mg per hour via patient-controlled analgesia was judged satisfactory by all 29 patients. ⋯ No respiratory depression occurred and excessive sedation was reported by only 2 patients after the first 24 hr postoperatively. If further surgeries were required, more than 90% of these patients would prefer patient-controlled analgesia to intramuscular injections.
Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Comparison of epidural sufentanil plus clonidine with sufentanil alone for postoperative pain relief.
Sufentanil 25 micrograms plus clonidine 1 microgram/kg administered epidurally was compared with epidural sufentanil 50 micrograms alone in a double-blind fashion for pain relief in 40 patients after abdominal surgery. The duration of complete pain relief was significantly longer in those who received the mixture. Oxygen saturation was reduced 10 and 20 minutes after sufentanil alone, but remained stable after sufentanil and clonidine. There were significant decreases in arterial blood pressure in the latter group that were maximum between 20 and 120 minutes after administration.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Comparison of intramuscular ketorolac and morphine in pain control after laparotomy.
Ketorolac, a prostaglandin synthetase-inhibiting analgesic, was compared with morphine for relief of pain after laparotomy for gynaecological surgery. Eighty patients were studied; they were given either ketorolac 30 mg intramuscularly followed by 10 mg 4-hourly as required, or morphine 10 mg intramuscularly 4-hourly as required, administered in a double-blind, randomised fashion. Pain scores (verbal and visual analogue) were recorded at baseline and assessed at 30 and 60 minutes and then hourly for 6 hours. ⋯ A considerable number of patients suffered postoperative nausea and vomiting but there was no difference between the groups. One patient in the ketorolac group had unexplained hypotension. It is concluded that ketorolac can provide effective postoperative analgesia.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The value of topical lignocaine gel in pain relief on skin graft donor sites.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Placebo-controlled comparison of single intramuscular doses of ketorolac tromethamine and pethidine for post-operative analgesia.
The analgesic efficacy and safety of single doses of 10 mg and 30 mg ketorolac tromethamine and 100 mg pethidine were evaluated in a double-blind, parallel-group study. The drugs were administered intramuscularly to patients experiencing moderate, severe or very severe pain immediately following major abdominal surgery. ⋯ Ketorolac, at a dose of 10 or 30 mg, and 100 mg pethidine were clinically and statistically more effective than placebo, with 30 mg ketorolac having a similar efficacy to 100 mg pethidine over the 8-h study period and 10 mg ketorolac being slightly less effective than 30 mg ketorolac. No serious adverse events were reported.