Articles: low-back-pain.
What factors do participants in exercise programs for chronic low back pain perceive to be important for engagement and participation? ⋯ People are likely to prefer and participate in exercise programs that are designed with consideration of their preferences, circumstances, and past exercise experiences. We propose that information about patient exercise preferences should be collected systematically.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effectiveness of focused structural massage and relaxation massage for chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Chronic back pain is a major public health problem and the primary reason patients seek massage treatment. Despite the growing use of massage for chronic low back pain, there have been few studies of its effectiveness. This trial will be the first evaluation of the effectiveness of relaxation massage for chronic back pain and the first large trial of a focused structural form of massage for this condition. ⋯ Results of this trial will help clarify the value of two types of massage therapy for chronic low back pain.
Low back pain (LBP) is a frequent diagnosis for sickness absence. The process of sick-listing is complex, and the doctor must integrate information from several levels in the decision. ⋯ The sick-listing process for LBP is complex, and the determinants are mostly non-medical. It seems important to adopt a broad perspective of how a worker copes with pain and how these coping strategies interact with cultural, economic, and societal determinants of sickness certification.
Chronic back pain is among the most common patient complaints. Its prevalence and impact have spawned a rapidly expanding range of tests and treatments. ⋯ The limited studies available suggest that these increases have not been accompanied by population-level improvements in patient outcomes or disability rates. We suggest a need for a better understanding of the basic science of pain mechanisms, more rigorous and independent trials of many treatments, a stronger regulatory stance toward approval and post-marketing surveillance of new drugs and devices for chronic pain, and a chronic disease model for managing chronic back pain.
To evaluate the psychometric properties of two commonly used low back pain (LBP) disability questionnaires in a sample solely comprising community-dwelling older adults. ⋯ It appears that both questionnaires have excellent test-retest reliability and good construct validity when used to evaluate LBP-related disability for older adults with varying degrees of LBP. Neither questionnaire appears to have superior psychometric properties; therefore, both the Oswestry and Quebec can be recommended for use among geriatric patients with LBP.