Articles: low-back-pain.
Low back pain (LBP) can restrict function with all the personal, interpersonal, and social consequences, such as a loss of independence and the inability to fulfil diverse roles in social life. Therefore, the prevention of the consequences of LBP would reduce costs, individual burdens and social burdens. Being able to fulfil the requirements of daily living is a cornerstone of quality of life. ⋯ The reviewed tools showed a limited ability to predict function-related outcome in patients with risk of chronic low back pain. Future instruments should be based on models with a comprehensive set of known risk factors. These models should be constructed and validated by international, coordinated research teams.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Low back pain in general practice: cost-effectiveness of a minimal psychosocial intervention versus usual care.
An intervention that can prevent low back pain (LBP) becoming chronic, may not only prevent great discomfort for patients, but also save substantial costs for the society. Psychosocial factors appear to be of importance in the transition of acute to chronic LBP. The aim of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness of an intervention aimed at psychosocial factors to usual care in patients with (sub)acute LBP. ⋯ However, the complete case analysis and the sensitivity analyses with imputed cost data were inconsistent with regard to the statistical significance of this difference in cost data. This study presents conflicting points of view regarding the cost-effectiveness of MIS. We conclude that (Dutch) general practitioners, as yet, should not replace their usual care by this new intervention.
Using the data of the EuroBack Unit prospective cohort study, this paper investigated the role of work-related physical factors and psychological variables in predicting the development of and recovery from short-term and long-term LBP. At baseline, 1294 predominantly male industrial workers from 10 companies in Belgium and the Netherlands filled in questionnaires. At follow-up, data from 812 employees were available. ⋯ The risk was reduced by social support of co-workers (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.59-0.92) and by manual handling of materials (OR 0.63, 95% CI 0.46-0.85). For those who reported more than 30 days total of LBP in the year prior to baseline, high pain severity (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.04-1.34) increased the risk for failure to recovery from long-term LBP. Results are compared to the baseline study (Gheldof et al., 2005) and discussed in relation with prospective studies.
Cognitive-behavioral models of chronic low back pain (CLBP) predict that dysfunctional assumptions about the harmfulness of activities may maintain pain-related fear and disability levels. The Photograph Series of Daily Activities (PHODA) is an instrument to determine the perceived harmfulness of daily activities in patients with CLBP. This study examined the psychometric properties of a short electronic version of the PHODA (PHODA-SeV). The results show that the PHODA-SeV measures a single factor and has a high internal consistency. The test-retest reliability and stability of the PHODA-SeV over a 2-week time interval are good, with discrepancies between 2 measurements over 20 points suggesting true change. The construct validity is supported by the finding that both self-reported pain severity and fear of movement/(re)injury were uniquely related to the PHODA-SeV. Validity is further corroborated by the finding that patients who have received exposure in vivo, that aimed to systematically reduce the perceived harmfulness of activities, had significantly lower PHODA-SeV scores after treatment than patients receiving graded activity that did not address these assumptions. The findings support the PHODA-SeV as a valid and reliable measure of the perceived harmfulness of activities in patients with CLBP. Preliminary normative data of the PHODA-SeV are presented. ⋯ This article describes a pictorial measurement tool (PHODA-SeV) for the assessment of the perceived harmfulness of activities in patients with chronic low back pain. The PHODA-SeV has good psychometric properties and can be used to elaborate on the contribution of beliefs about harmful consequences of activities to pain and disability.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Interferential and horizontal therapies in chronic low back pain due to multiple vertebral fractures: a randomized, double blind, clinical study.
Chronic low back pain due to multiple vertebral fractures is of difficult management. Electrical nerve stimulation is frequently used, but its efficacy has never been properly evaluated. In a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial, we have shown that both interferential currents and horizontal therapy are more effective than placebo for functional. ⋯ This randomized double-blind controlled study provides the first evidence that IFT and HT therapy are significantly effective in alleviating both pain and disability in patients with CBPMF.