Articles: low-back-pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Results of the prospective, randomized, multicenter Food and Drug Administration investigational device exemption study of the ProDisc-L total disc replacement versus circumferential fusion for the treatment of 1-level degenerative disc disease.
A prospective, randomized, multicenter, Food and Drug Administration-regulated Investigational Device Exemption clinical trial. ⋯ ProDisc-L has been found to be safe and efficacious. In properly chosen patients, ProDisc-L has been shown to be superior to circumferential fusion by multiple clinical criteria.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Total dorsal ramus block for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a preliminary study.
To evaluate the use of total dorsal ramus block, which blocks all three major branches (medial, intermediate, and lateral branches) of lumbar dorsal ramus, for chronic low back pain. ⋯ The results of this preliminary study show that the total dorsal ramus block procedure may sufficiently block all three branches of the lumbar dorsal ramus at the targeted level with significant pain reduction.
Systematic review. ⋯ The available evidence does not support the efficacy or effectiveness of percutaneous thermocoagulation intradiscal techniques for the treatment of discogenic low back pain.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther · May 2007
Comparative StudyLow back pain: clinimetric properties of the Trendelenburg test, active straight leg raise test, and breathing pattern during active straight leg raising.
Classification of patients with low back pain (LBP) into subgroups is important as considerable variability exists in the LBP population. Clinical applicable, reliable, and valid tests to differentiate patients with LBP are therefore necessary. The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability, internal consistency, and clinical importance of 3 clinical tests that analyze motor control mechanisms of the lumbopelvic region in patients with nonspecific LBP. ⋯ These data provide evidence favoring the test-retest reliability of the Trendelenburg and ASLR tests in patients with LBP. The internal consistency of the outcome of these tests was high for both assessors, suggesting that these tests assess the same dimension. The interobserver reliability of the assessment of the breathing pattern was fair to moderate. Further research regarding the interobserver reliability, clinical importance, validity, and responsiveness of the Trendelenburg test, ASLR test, and breathing pattern during these tests is required.
Our study was designed to document fiscal data for emergency department admissions for acute exacerbation of chronic back pain. ⋯ Emergency department care may be a costly venue for the management of chronic back pain. Because most patients obtain only short-term relief, they are likely to continue seeking urgent care intermittently until effective long-term pain management is widely available and reimbursable on an outpatient basis.