Articles: low-back-pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
A randomized controlled trial investigating the efficiency of musculoskeletal physiotherapy on chronic low back disorder.
Randomized, single blind, controlled trial. ⋯ As a component of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, the spinal stabilization program is more effective than manually applied therapy or an education booklet in treating chronic low back disorder over time. Both manual therapy and the spinal stabilization program are significantly effective in pain reduction in comparison to an active control. To our knowledge and up until now, this result has not been shown in patients with chronic low back disorder.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Predictive factors for 1-year and 5-year outcome for disability in a working population of patients with low back pain treated in primary care.
Many patients seeking primary care for low back pain continue to report disability several years after their initial visit. The aims of this study were to assess the independent predictive value of a number of potential predictive factors for disability at the 1-year and 5-year follow-ups, and to examine whether prediction models were improved by replacing baseline health-state-related variables with corresponding variables after treatment. A further aim was to describe possible differences between those on sick leave, early retirement or disability pension, and those who were not. ⋯ For those without disability the corresponding figure was 9% (n=8/92). Being a woman, duration of the current episode, similar problems during the previous 5 years, exercise level before the current episode, pain frequency at baseline, and disability after treatment emerged as predictive factors for disability at the 5-year follow-up. Replacing baseline health-state-related measures with corresponding measures after the treatment period, and adding physical-activity-related and possibly work-related factors might improve the likelihood of predicting future disability.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Validation of the PAC-SYM questionnaire for opioid-induced constipation in patients with chronic low back pain.
The Patient Assessment of Constipation Symptoms (PAC-SYM) questionnaire is a 12-item self-report instrument divided into abdominal, rectal and stool domains. ⋯ PAC-SYM is a reliable, valid and responsive measure of the presence and severity of opioid-induced constipation symptoms.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
[Comparison of three outpatient therapy forms for treatment of chronic low back pain-- findings of a multicentre, cluster randomized study].
The AOK Baden-Württemberg health insurance fund initiated a study on the outpatient rehabilitation of patients with chronic low back pain, aimed at improving the treatment concept for its insurees with chronic low back pain (START). This model project was scientifically guided by the Hochrhein-Institute in Bad Säckingen. The paper compares the effectiveness of Enhanced Outpatient Physiotherapy (Erweiterte Ambulante Physiotherapie, EAP), Outpatient Rehabilitation (Ambulante Rehabilitation, AR) and Medical Training Therapy (Medizinische Trainingstherapie, MTT) in patients with low back pain. ⋯ MTT might represent a meaningful therapy element also in new forms of provision such as integrated services. Patients showing severe psychosocial strain should be assigned to an interdisciplinary therapy as it is provided by inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation facilities. For effective differential assignment to the various programmes, realization of a standardized rehab assessment is an important precondition.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Treatment of low back pain by acupressure and physical therapy: randomised controlled trial.