Articles: low-back-pain.
Sociodemographic inequalities in the occurrence of low back pain (LBP) are well-studied. This study aimed to examine complex sociodemographic inequalities in the risk of LBP consultation in the population from a socioeconomical intersectional perspective. Using register data, we identified 458,852 individuals aged 35 to 75 years residing in Skåne in 2013, with no previous LBP consultation since 2006. ⋯ The low DA of the intersectional strata indicates the existence of limited intersectional inequalities in LBP consultation. Therefore, interventions to reduce LBP risk should be universal rather than targeted to specific socioeconomic groups with a higher average risk. Before planning targeted intervention, other risk factors with higher DA need to be identified.
The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) is one of the most common patient-reported outcome measures used for low back pain (LBP). Since it was not available in Indonesian, this study aimed to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of ODI to Indonesian and evaluate its psychometric properties. ⋯ The Indonesian version of ODI displayed similar reliability, validity, and psychometric characteristics to the original ODI. This questionnaire will be a suitable instrument for assessing LBP-related disability for Indonesian-speaking patients.
Among non-communicable disorders, low back and neck pain are the most common causes of severe, long-term pain and disability affecting more than a billion people globally. Yet, the burden and impact of these conditions are not well understood, especially among rural and tribal people living in low- and middle-income countries. ⋯ We surveyed 2323 participants, which did not include children and adolescents. Among rural people (n = 2073), the point prevalence of low back and neck pain was 4.9% (95% CI 3.94-5.79) and 2.9% (95% CI 2.21-8.87), respectively. Among tribal people (n = 250), prevalence was 10.0% (95% CI 6.28-13.71) for low back pain and 3.6% (95% CI 1.29-5.90) for neck pain. Lifting heavy weights and bending trunk were the most limiting activities. During informal discussions, most villagers attributed spine pain to traditional lifestyle and age. Participants continued occupational work in the presence of pain. Lack of transport facilities and cost of treatment emerged as the two most common reasons for delay in seeking treatment at nearby healthcare centres. This information will inform the development of customized spine care programmes through community-engaged partnerships and self-empowerment of the local community.
Low back pain (LBP) is a major public health problem worldwide. Significant practice variation exists despite guidelines, including strong interventionist focus by some practitioners. Translation of guidelines into pathways as integrated treatment plans is a next step to improve implementation. The goal of the present study was to analyze international examples of LBP pathways in order to identify key interventions as building elements for care pathway for LBP and radicular pain. ⋯ Essential building elements for the construction of LBP care pathways were identified from a transversal analysis of key interventions in a study of 11 international examples of LBP pathways.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Behavioral Test (BAT-Back): Preliminary Evidence for a Successful Predictor of Treatment Outcome after Exposure Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain.
Although several questionnaires assessing fear of movement exist, it is still a challenge to identify individuals who might benefit more from exposure for chronic pain than from other psychological approaches and vice versa. Psychological approaches to chronic pain cannot advance toward the often called-for "tailored approaches" because of limited knowledge about treatment predictors. Our aim was to evaluate the additional predictive value of avoidance behavior based on behavioral observation. ⋯ There is some preliminary evidence that pretreatment avoidance behavior might be an indicator for reduction in global disability after exposure treatments in patients experiencing disabling chronic low back pain and elevated fear avoidance. We identified preliminary cutoff scores that need further investigation.