Articles: low-back-pain.
Multicenter Study
Variability in negative emotions among individuals with chronic low back pain: relationships with pain and function.
Chronic pain is associated with elevated negative emotions, and resources needed to adaptively regulate these emotions can be depleted during prolonged pain. Studies of links between pain, function, and negative emotions in people with chronic pain, however, have focused almost exclusively on relationships among mean levels of these factors. Indexes that may reflect aspects of emotion regulation have typically not been analyzed. ⋯ Spouse-observed pain and pain behaviors were also associated with greater variability in patients' negative emotions. Test of the inverse associations between negative emotion level and variability in pain and function were significant but weaker in magnitude. These findings support the notion that chronic pain may erode negative emotion regulation resources, to the potential detriment of intra- and inter-personal function.
Observational Study
Description of the sagittal alignment of the degenerative human spine.
To present the description of sagittal alignment of the degenerative human spine and its possible evolution. ⋯ Level IV cross sectional observational study.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Feb 2018
Comparative StudyEthnic Differences Identified by Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire Correlate With Clinical Pain Responses.
The Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire, English version (PSQ-E), is predictive of pain-related responses to experimental stimuli. Ethnic differences have been noted in experimental measures of pain sensation using quantitative sensory testing. The present study sought to determine if the PSQ-E also identified similar ethnic differences. ⋯ The study demonstrated significantly elevated pain sensitivity in AA compared with NHW patients as measured by the PSQ-E and experimental and clinical pain intensity scores. This shows that the PSQ reflects the known elevation of pain sensitivity in AA subjects and suggests that it may be useful in assessing pain treatment disparities by identifying and standardizing differences in pain sensitivity.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Feb 2018
Randomized Controlled TrialPain Neurophysiology Education and Therapeutic Exercise for Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.
To assess the effect of a pain neurophysiology education (PNE) program plus therapeutic exercise (TE) for patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). ⋯ Combining PNE with TE resulted in significantly better results for participants with CLBP, with a large effect size, compared with TE alone.
Low back pain (LBP) is a major health challenge globally. Research has identified common trajectories of pain over time. We aimed to investigate whether trajectories described in 1 primary care cohort can be confirmed in another, and to determine the prognostic value of factors collected 5 years prior to the identification of the trajectory. ⋯ Lower social class and higher pain intensity were significantly associated with a more severe trajectory 5 years later, as were patients' perceptions of the greater consequences and longer duration of pain, and greater passive behavioural coping. Low back pain trajectories identified previously appear generalizable. These allow better understanding of the long-term course of LBP, and effective management tailored to individual trajectories needs to be identified.