Articles: low-back-pain.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jan 2018
Association between metabolic syndrome and disability due to low back pain among care workers.
To elucidate the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and disability due to low back pain (LBP) among care workers. ⋯ This study showed that MetS was independently associated with disability due to LBP among care workers. A multidisciplinary intervention taking MetS into consideration may be an effective way to reduce disability due to LBP in people with both LBP and MetS. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(2):165-172.
Epidural steroid injection is widely used to treat the short and long-term symptoms of low back and radicular pain. To the best of our knowledge, the influence of transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFSI) combined with caudal epidural steroid injection (CESI) on pain intensity, patient satisfaction, and quality of life in lumbar radiculopathy has not been examined. ⋯ In patients with lower lumbar radiculopathy, a combined TFSI + CESI technique offers superior short and long-term pain relief, quality of life, and long-term patient satisfaction, than when TFSI is performed alone.
According to existing literature, musicians are at risk of experiencing a range of painful musculoskeletal conditions. Recently, a novel digital technology was developed to investigate pain location and pain extent. The aim of this study was to describe pain location and pain extent in musicians using a digital method for pain drawing (PD) analysis. Additionally, the association between PD variables and clinical features were explored in musicians with pain. ⋯ The high prevalence of pain among musicians has been confirmed using a digital technique for PD acquisition and analysis. In addition, positive correlations between pain extent and upper limb disability have been demonstrated. Our findings highlight the need for effective prevention and treatment strategies for musicians.
As the leading cause of disability among U. S. adults, chronic low back pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent and challenging musculoskeletal conditions. Neuromodulation provides an opportunity to reduce or eliminate the use of opioids to treat chronic LBP, but the cost and invasiveness of existing methods have limited its broad adoption, especially earlier in the treatment continuum. ⋯ The only adverse event was minor skin irritation caused by a topical dressing. The clinically significant improvements were sustained at least 4 months after start of therapy (79% average reduction in pain; both reported minimal disability; 100% reduction in opioids; 74% reduction nonopioids). The results reveal the utility of this novel, short-term approach and its potential as a minimally invasive neuromodulation therapy for use earlier in the treatment continuum to produce sustained pain relief and reduce or eliminate the need for analgesic medications, including opioids, as well as more expensive and invasive surgical or therapeutic alternatives.
Recognizing expectations and concerns of patients leads to more specialized management plans and greater adherence to treatment and improves outcomes. Little is known about how age impacts on expectations or concerns regarding pain in patients attending a chronic pain clinic. ⋯ We found differences in patient expectations and concerns by age of those attending a chronic pain clinic. These differences can inform the communication process between physician and patient on treatment plans and outcomes.