Articles: low-back-pain.
The objective of this study was to estimate the association between sleep quality (SQ) and improvements in low back pain (LBP) and disability, among patients treated for LBP in routine practice. ⋯ In clinical practice, sleep quality, low back pain and disability are associated. However, sleep quality at baseline does not predict improvement in pain and disability.
Review Meta Analysis
Lumbar Tactile Acuity in Patients With Low Back Pain and Healthy Controls: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Diminished tactile acuity in chronic non-neuropathic pain syndromes has been attributed to central pain processing and cortical reorganization. The latter was recently targeted in clinical trials that demonstrated no clear advantages over traditional approaches for the reduction of nonspecific low back pain (LBP). The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to summarize the current evidence on tactile acuity in LBP and pain-free controls. ⋯ A gap of knowledge regarding tactile acuity in populations with acute and chronic non-neuropathic LBP needs to be addressed in future research as this may significantly help the understanding of the causality of tactile acuity alterations.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Implication of Two Different Doses of Intradiscal Ozone-Oxygen Injection upon the Pain Alleviation in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Single-Blind Study.
Low back pain (LBP) is mostly induced by disc herniation (DH) or degeneration and has a burden upon social activity and economical aspects of life. An abundance of medical and surgical interventions have evolved to resolve this problem, but one of the newly introduced techniques, which is the minimally invasive, low cost ozone-oxygen mixture (O₃-O₂) intradiscal injection, offers a rapid onset amelioration of symptoms with a sustained duration of pain relief. ⋯ Low back pain, ozone, disc herniation.
Prolonged microgravity exposure is associated with localized low back pain and an elevated risk of post-flight disc herniation. Although the mechanisms by which microgravity impairs the spine are unclear, they should be foundational for developing in-flight countermeasures for maintaining astronaut spine health. Because human spine anatomy has adapted to upright posture on Earth, observations of how spaceflight affects the spine should also provide new and potentially important information on spine biomechanics that benefit the general population. ⋯ We observed that multifidus atrophy, rather than intervertebral disc swelling, associated strongly with lumbar flattening and increased stiffness. Because these changes have been previously linked with detrimental spine biomechanics and pain in terrestrial populations, when combined with evidence of pre-flight vertebral end plate insufficiency, they may elevate injury risk for astronauts upon return to gravity loading. Our results also have implications for deconditioned spines on Earth. We anticipate that our results will inform new astronaut countermeasures that target the multifidus muscles, and research on the role of muscular stability in relation to chronic low back pain and disc injury.
To develop and test a standardised method of interpreting spinal imaging findings in a manner designed to reassure patients with low back pain and promote engagement in an active recovery. ⋯ We have developed, modified, and tested a pragmatic framework for a brief, psychoeducational intervention. We have established face validity and acceptability from key stakeholders and engaged clinicians and are ready to proceed with a pilot feasibility trial.