Articles: low-back-pain.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther · Jul 2017
Comparative StudyDifferences in Outcomes of Patients Treated by Male vs Female Chiropractors.
The purpose of this study was to compare treatment outcomes of low back pain patients depending on the sex of the treating doctor of chiropractic (DC). ⋯ Significant differences in treatment outcome in favor of female DCs was no longer present on removal of the acute subgroup from the data. This suggests that patient outcome is influenced by other factors, such as chronicity, rather than sex of the treating DC.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2017
Case ReportsDiskitis, Osteomyelitis, Spinal Epidural Abscess, Meningitis, and Endocarditis Following Sacroiliac Joint Injection for the Treatment of Low-Back Pain in a Patient on Therapy for Hepatitis C Virus.
Sacroiliac joint injections are frequently performed procedures in the management of acute and chronic low-back pain, including patients with various immunocompromised states. Infectious complications following these procedures along with other spinal injections are rarely reported, but the true incidence is unknown. The purpose of this report is to highlight the devastating neurologic sequela that can occur, and to discuss potential future management strategies. ⋯ Immunocompromised patients should be identified prior to treatment, and the small possibility of devastating complications should be thoughtfully weighed against the potential benefit of the procedure. Conservative management should be maximized initially, and if a procedure is done, strict asepsis must be maintained. Prophylaxis for S. aureus should be considered for immunocompromised patients undergoing interventional spine procedures.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther · Jul 2017
Observational StudyAn Observational Study on Recurrences of Low Back Pain During the First 12 Months After Chiropractic Treatment.
The purpose of this study was to investigate recurrence rate and prognostic factors in a large population of patients with low back pain (LBP) up to 1 year after chiropractic care using standardized definitions. ⋯ Recurrence rate was low in this LBP patient population. The duration of complaint before treatment was the main predictor for recurrence. The fact that even subacute duration significantly increased the odds for an unfavorable course of LBP is of clinical relevance.
Pragmatic Clinical Trial
Real-World Massage Therapy Produces Meaningful Effectiveness Signal for Primary Care Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: Results of a Repeated Measures Cohort Study.
While efficacy of massage and other nonpharmacological treatments for chronic low back pain is established, stakeholders have called for pragmatic studies of effectiveness in "real-world" primary health care. The Kentucky Pain Research and Outcomes Study evaluated massage impact on pain, disability, and health-related quality of life for primary care patients with chronic low back pain. We report effectiveness and feasibility results, and make comparisons with established minimal clinically important differences. ⋯ Results provide a meaningful signal of massage effect for primary care patients with chronic low back pain and call for further research in practice settings using pragmatic designs with control groups.