Articles: low-back-pain.
Activity Pacing is Associated with Better and Worse Symptoms for Patients with Long-term Conditions.
Activity pacing has been associated with both improved and worsened symptoms, and its role in reducing disability among patients with long-term conditions has been questioned. However, existing studies have measured pacing according to unidimensional subscales, and therefore the empirical evidence for pacing as a multifaceted construct remains unclear. We have developed a 26-item Activity Pacing Questionnaire (APQ-26) for chronic pain/fatigue containing 5 themes of pacing: activity adjustment, activity consistency, activity progression, activity planning, and activity acceptance. ⋯ Some APQ-26 pacing themes were associated with worse symptoms and others with symptom improvement. Specifically, pacing themes involving adjusting/reducing activities were associated with worse symptoms, whereas pacing themes involving undertaking consistent activities were associated with improved symptoms. Future study will explore the causality of these associations to add clarification regarding the effects of pacing on patients' symptoms.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther · Mar 2017
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyIntegrative Acupuncture and Spinal Manipulative Therapy Versus Either Alone for Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Feasibility Study.
The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of conducting a large-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT) examining whether an integrative care model combining spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and acupuncture can lead to better outcomes for low back pain (LBP) than either therapy alone. ⋯ This study indicated that it is feasible to conduct an RCT to compare the effectiveness of integrative acupuncture and SMT for LBP to either therapy alone. Future studies should include a larger sample to increase the power for detecting clinically meaningful differences between groups.
Case Reports
Chronic Localized Back Pain Due to Posterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (POCNES): A New Diagnosis.
Most patients with chronic back pain suffer from degenerative thoracolumbovertebral disease. However, the following case illustrates that a localized peripheral nerve entrapment must be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic back pain. We report the case of a 26-year-old woman with continuous excruciating pain in the lower back area. ⋯ We propose to name this novel syndrome "posterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome" (POCNES). Each patient with chronic localized back pain should undergo simple somatosensory testing to detect the presence of overlying skin hypo- and dysesthesia possibly reflecting an entrapped posterior cutaneous nerve. Key words: Chronic pain, back pain, posterior cutaneous nerve entrapment, peripheral nerve entrapment, surgical treatment for pain, anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment.
Comparative Study
The Japanese version of the STarT Back Tool predicts 6-month clinical outcomes of low back pain.
The STarT Back Tool classifies patients into low-, medium-, or high-risk groups according to risk for chronic low back pain. The Japanese version of the STarT Back Tool (STarT-J) has been translated and psychometrically validated. The present analysis investigated the predictive ability of the STarT-J. ⋯ The STarT-J predicted 6-month pain and disability outcomes. The STarT-J is an easy-to-use tool to screen for patients who are more likely to have chronic low back pain, and may be useful to initiate stratified care in primary care settings.
No core set of measurement tools exists to collect data within clinical practice. Such data could be useful as reference data to guide treatment decisions and to compare patient characteristics or treatment results within specific treatment settings. ⋯ A detailed description of case complexity of patients with chronic pain referred for pain rehabilitation. Insight in case complexity of patients within subgroups on the basis of gender, pain duration, pain severity and pain location. These descriptions can be used as reference data for daily practice in the field of pain rehabilitation and can be used to evaluate, monitor and improve rehabilitation care in care settings nationwide as well as internationally.