Articles: human.
This review considered the role of the anal Pap test as a screening test for anal dysplasia in patients at high risk of anal SCC. The screening process is now thought to be improved with the addition of testing for the human papillomavirus (HPV) in high-risk populations. High-resolution anoscopy (a method to view the rectal area, using an anoscope, a lighted instrument inserted into the rectum) rather than routine anoscopy-guided biopsy, is also now considered to be the diagnostic standard. ⋯ No direct evidence exists to support the effectiveness of an anal Pap test screening program to reduce anal cancer mortality or morbidity. There are, however, strong parallels with cervical pap testing for cervical cancer. Sexually transmitted HPV viral infection is currently the acknowledged common causative agent for both anal and cervical cancer. Anal cancer rates in high-risk populations are approaching those of cervical cancer before the implementation of Pap testing. The anal Pap test, although it has been mainly evaluated only in HIV-positive males, has similar operating characteristics of sensitivity and specificity as the cervical Pap test. In general, the treatment options for precancer dysplasia in the cervix and the anus are similar, but treatment involving a definitive surgical resection in the anus is more limited because of the higher risk of complications. A range of ablative therapies has been applied for anal dysplasia, but evidence on treatment effectiveness, tolerability and durability, particularly in the HIV-positive patient, is limited.
ISIS 2302 is a phosphorothioate oligonucleotide designed to inhibit human ICAM-1 and is intended for treatment of inflammatory diseases. Molecules of this class are known to elicit pro-inflammatory effects, and immunotoxicity studies were performed in mice to elucidate the nature of effects of ISIS 2302 on mammalian immune function. ISIS 2302 (1, 5, 20, or 50 mg/kg/dose) was administered intravenously every other day for 27 days. ⋯ ISIS 3082, a murine active ICAM-1 inhibitor, was used to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of ICAM-1 inhibition in the 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene-induced contact sensitization model. Intravenous administration of 1 mg/kg of ISIS 3082 every other day for 27 days was unequivocally anti-inflammatory in the contact sensitization test. The results of these experiments support the conclusion that the prophlogistic effects of ISIS 2302 in mice are observed only at suprapharmacologic doses.
Forensic Sci Med Pathol · Dec 2006
Identification and differential diagnosis of perimortem blunt force trauma in tubular long bones.
The identification of perimortem injuries from human remains is crucial in the forensic evaluation of skeletal trauma. The purpose of this article is to review the criteria currently used by forensic experts for the identification and differential diagnosis of perimortem blunt force trauma in long bones. The mechanism of injury and the associated fracture pattern in long bones is discussed because it is fundamental in the forensic interpretation. ⋯ Perimortem injuries may be distinguished from postmortem damage by examining certain attributes such as fracture angle and fracture margins. Additionally, the most commonly encountered taphonomic factors leading to postmorterm damage are described in order to alert the workers of the existence of such pitfalls that may perplex the forensic interpretation of skeletal trauma. Although the distinction of bone damage that occurred long after death from perimortem trauma is relatively easy, the differentiation of fractures inflicted shortly before death or soon after death may be difficult or even impossible.
Objectives. There is ample and well-established evidence that direct electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve can change heart rate in animals and humans. Since tachyarrhythmias cannot always be controlled through medication, we sought, in this pilot study, to elucidate whether a clinical implantable lead system that is used in cervical vagus nerve stimulation therapy (VNS therapy) also can be used for control of heart rate, and tachycardia in particular. Materials and Methods. Experiments were carried out in three pigs (weight 21-26 kg) under general anesthesia. ⋯ No differences were found between stimulation of the right or left vagus nerve. Conclusion. VNS can be used effectively and rapidly to decrease heart rate, in acute settings, when connected to an external pacing system. Future devices that are fully implantable may be used for nonpharmacological treatment of illnesses in which tachycardia results in deterioration of cardiac function.