Articles: general-anesthesia.
Cahiers d'anesthésiologie · Jan 1996
[Clinical study of a mivacurium-propofol combination for laparoscopic surgery in children].
Coelioscopic surgery in children is today in constant progress and requires pharmacological agents which provide excellent surgical conditions for variable and unpredictable durations. The mivacurium-propofol association was clinically studied in this context in 30 ASA I patients aged from 6 to 16 years and appeared safe, efficient and easy to use. The orbicularis oculi and pollicis adductor stimulation allows simple and adapted neuromuscular blockade monitoring. Double-burst stimulation at the ulnar nerve improves the detection of a residual curarization.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Hemodynamic responses to intravascular injection of epinephrine-containing epidural test doses in adults during general anesthesia.
Epidural anesthesia is sometimes initiated during general anesthesia, yet few data exist concerning efficacy of epinephrine-containing test doses. ⋯ Hemodynamic responses to intravascular injection of test doses vary with dose of epinephrine and depth and type of general anesthetic used. Thus, the 15 micrograms epinephrine contained in the standard test dose may not be sufficient during all anesthetic conditions.
A number of anesthetic agents have significant cerebroprotective potential and alter ischemic tolerance in vivo, at least within specific experimental conditions such as focal or incomplete, global cerebral ischemia. As compared to the unanesthetized state, each of these agents has some influence on CBF and metabolism, and many have significant effects on vascular responses to dilator stimuli. Relevant studies that provide clues to the mechanisms of anesthetic action in brain injury have been reviewed, and it is likely that these mechanisms are multifactorial and may overlap from one class of agents to another. Lastly, there is a clear need for further studies that specifically evaluate the neuroprotective mechanism of each agent, determine the effect on outcomes when the anesthetic is administered only as a posttreatment at clinically relevant concentrations, and compare anesthetics with the unanesthetized state when possible.
This review discusses the mechanism(s) of general anesthesia from a pharmacological viewpoint; in particular, the ability of drugs to produce many different effects is emphasised. The problems of experimental measurement of general anesthesia are discussed, and the possibilities for antagonism and potentiation of anesthesia considered. Physicochemical studies on anesthesia are described, as are the advancement of ideas beyond consideration of lipids and proteins as separate sites of action. The importance of studies on different areas of the brain is highlighted, and the review finishes with a survey of the effects of general anesthetics on synaptic transmission which emphasises the problems of extrapolation from in vitro to in vivo.
Pediatric pulmonology · Jan 1996
Case ReportsBronchoscopic airway evaluation facilitated by the laryngeal mask airway in pediatric patients.
The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) was introduced for clinical use in 1988. It represents a new concept in airway management. Its role has been described as filling the gap between tracheal intubation and the anesthesia face mask. ⋯ Since its introduction, its indications and applications in anesthesia practice have increased. Although initially used as a means of delivering anesthesia and obviating the need for holding a mask on the patient, its position directly over the laryngeal inlet makes it a useful guide during flexible bronchoscopy. We report our experience in six pediatric patients and describe an anesthetic technique for bronchoscopy using the LMA for general anesthesia with spontaneous ventilation.