Articles: general-anesthesia.
To evaluate wrist compression as a test to identify low radial from low systemic pressure and to see if the gradient found after cardiopulmonary bypass is also present whenever hand vascular resistance may decrease. ⋯ The systemic-radial artery pressure gradient seen at the end of cardiopulmonary bypass seems to be a phenomenon common to patients with decreased hand vascular resistance. Wrist compression decreases or abolishes the gradient in most cases. It does not produce false positives, so an increase indicates a greater aortic than radial pressure. The difference is likely to be only temporary.
Cahiers d'anesthésiologie · Jan 1994
[Laryngeal masks in pediatric anesthesia. Apropos of 251 cases].
A series of 251 anaesthesias with a laryngeal mask (LM) in a paediatric surgery unit is studied retrospectively. After some short training, using LM is most often easy and allows a good airway control without any frequent or severe complications. Therefore this technique should quickly supplant the facial mask and many endotracheal intubations.