Articles: pain-measurement.
Anesthesia and analgesia · May 2020
Randomized Controlled TrialGuiding Opioid Administration by 3 Different Analgesia Nociception Monitoring Indices During General Anesthesia Alters Intraoperative Sufentanil Consumption and Stress Hormone Release: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.
This pilot study investigated the effect of sufentanil titration by 3 different analgesia monitoring devices or clinical signs during general anesthesia. ⋯ The type of analgesia nociception monitoring affected the total amount of sufentanil administered. Lower sufentanil doses in the PPI group were associated with an increased endocrine stress response. Titration by SPI caused no opioid reduction compared to the control but was associated with a reduced endocrine stress response.
Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) is a potentially useful biomarker in pain populations; however, a statistically robust interpretation of change scores is required. Currently, reporting of CPM does not consider measurement error. Hence, the magnitude of change representing a "true" CPM effect is unknown. ⋯ Determining "true" change in CPM will underpin future interrogations of intraindividual differences in CPM. PERSPECTIVE: This study used a distribution-based statistical approach to identify real change in CPM, based on the SEM for the test stimulus. Healthy volunteers demonstrate substantial within-subject variation; CPM effect was paradigm dependent at intrasession testing and unstable to the same paradigm at intersession testing.
Pain sensitization in knee osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with greater symptom severity and poorer clinical outcomes. Measures that identify pain sensitization and are accessible to use in clinical practice have been suggested to enable more targeted treatments. This merits further investigation. This study examines the relationship between quantitative sensory testing (QST) and clinical measures of pain sensitization in people with knee OA. ⋯ MTPC demonstrated the strongest associations with QST measures and may be the most promising proxy measure to detect pain sensitization clinically.
The Nociception Coma Scale-Revised (NCS-R) was developed to help assess pain in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). Several studies have shown its sensitivity in assessing response to acute noxious stimuli. However, they failed to determine a reliable cut-off score that could be used to infer pain processing in these patients. ⋯ We observed a preserved metabolism in the left insula in patients with potential pain compared with FDG-PET confirmed UWS. PERSPECTIVES: Our data suggest that using the cut-off score of 5 could be helpful to improve pain management in patients with DOC. Future studies should focus on patients showing scores below this cut-off to better characterize their profile and improve care.
Epidemiological studies suggest that women are not only at a higher risk for developing knee osteoarthritis (KOA), but also report greater symptom severity compared to men. One potential underlying mechanism of these sex differences may be exaggerated inflammatory responses to pain among women compared to men. The present study examined sex differences in interleukin-6 (IL-6) response over time following experimental pain testing. ⋯ Given that KOA is a chronic condition, and individuals with KOA frequently experience pain, these sex differences in IL-6 reactivity may contribute to the maintenance and/or exacerbation of KOA symptoms. PERSPECTIVES: The present study demonstrates that women, when compared to men, exhibit greater IL-6 reactivity after exposure to laboratory-evoked pain. Such sex differences may explain the mechanisms underlying women's higher chronic pain risk and pain perception, as well as provide further insight in developing personalized pain interventions.