Articles: neuralgia.
It is simple, convenient, inexpensive, proven, extensive, and safe for acupuncture in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). However, there are no comparisons between various acupuncture therapies that can directly and effectively provide specific guidance to clinicians. The development of a guideline for the optimization of acupuncture for PHN is of great importance for the development of clinical acupuncture. Therefore, we attempted to design a study protocol for a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of acupuncture for PHN to provide evidence to support the treatment of acupuncture for PHN. ⋯ This study will provide comprehensive and reliable evidence-based evidence for the treatment of PHN with acupuncture.
Diabetic neuropathic pain is associated with small fiber neuropathy. We aimed to assess the functionality of small fibers in patients with diabetes by using a practical method. ⋯ There is an unmet need to practically assess the functionality of small fibers in patients with pain. In this study, a practical and objective method that does not need special expertise for the measurement of the functional properties of small fibers by using axon-flare responses is presented. The LASCA method could potentially facilitate a practical, quick (within 5 minutes), and very early diagnosis of small fiber hypo-functionality in both patients with IGT and DNP.
During the past few years, the research of chronic neuropathic pain has focused on neuroinflammation within the central nervous system and its impact on pain chronicity. As part of the ERA-Net NEURON consortium, we aimed to identify immune cell patterns in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with herpes zoster neuralgia and patients with polyneuropathy (PNP), which may contribute to pain chronicity in these neuropathic pain conditions. Cerebrospinal fluid of 41 patients (10 herpes zoster and 31 PNP) was analyzed by flow cytometry identifying lymphocyte subsets: CD4+ (T-helper cells), CD8+ (cytotoxic T cells), CD19+ (B cells), and CD56+ (natural killer [NK]) cells. ⋯ The analysis of the individual follow-up showed a worsening of the pain condition if NK-cell frequency was low. Low NK-cell frequency is associated with signs of central sensitization (MPS), whereas high NK-cell frequency might prevent central sensitization. Therefore, NK cells seem to play a protective role within the neuroinflammatory cascade and may be used as a marker for pain chronicity.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
24-month Real-World Study of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Failed Back Surgery Patients with Refractory Pain.
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) causes disability and lowers health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for patients. Many patients become refractory to Conventional Medical Management (CMM) and Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is advised. However, comparative effectiveness research of both clinical approaches still lacks further evidence. ⋯ SCS may improve the HRQoL and functionality of FBSS patients with refractory pain in the long-term compared to CMM alone.