Articles: neuralgia.
Postgraduate medicine · Nov 2017
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyDose-response of pregabalin for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, and fibromyalgia.
The pregabalin dose-response for pain, Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC), and sleep quality measures in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (pDPN), postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), and fibromyalgia (FM) is relevant for physicians treating these patients. This analysis aimed to demonstrate the dose-response of pregabalin for each indication and describe the onset (incidence), onset/continuation (prevalence), and resolution of adverse events (AEs) occurring during treatment. ⋯ The dose-response of pregabalin for pain, PGIC, and sleep quality was demonstrated, highlighting the benefit of achieving the maximum recommended dose of 300 mg/day for pDPN, 300-600 mg/day for PHN, and 300-450 mg/day for FM. Common AEs are generally seen within 1 week of starting treatment, with few subsequent new reports at a given dose. New onset weight gain occurs after 6 weeks of treatment, reinforcing the need for regular monitoring of weight.
Osteoarthr. Cartil. · Nov 2017
Randomized Controlled TrialFourteen days of etoricoxib 60 mg improves pain, hyperalgesia and physical function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial.
Mounting evidence points to the heterogeneity of osteoarthritis (OA) pain, increasing the need for more comprehensive assessment of the efficacy of standard interventions. This study investigated whether 14 days of the selective Cox-2 inhibitor etoricoxib (60 mg/day) would modify self-report of pain intensity and quality, and physical measures of hyperalgesia and function in individuals with knee OA. ⋯ Just 14 days of etoricoxib significantly improves pain intensity and quality, function and local and widespread hyperalgesia, measured by both self-report and physical tests.
Journal of neurosurgery · Nov 2017
Randomized Controlled TrialEfficacy of deep rTMS for neuropathic pain in the lower limb: a randomized, double-blind crossover trial of an H-coil and figure-8 coil.
OBJECTIVE Electrical motor cortex stimulation can relieve neuropathic pain (NP), but its use requires patients to undergo an invasive procedure. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the primary motor cortex (M1) using a figure-8 coil can relieve NP noninvasively, but its ability to relieve lower limb pain is still limited. Deep rTMS using an H-coil can effectively stimulate deep brain regions and has been widely used for the treatment of various neurological diseases; however, there have been no clinical studies comparing the effectiveness of figure-8 coils and H-coils. ⋯ None of the patients exhibited any serious adverse events. CONCLUSIONS The current findings suggest that the use of deep rTMS with an H-coil in the lower limb region of the M1 in patients with NP was tolerable and could provide significant short-term pain relief. Clinical trial registration no.: UMIN000010536 ( ).
Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of Mirogabalin (DS-5565) on Patient-Reported Pain and Sleep Interference in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathic Pain: Secondary Outcomes of a Phase II Proof-of-Concept Study.
To evaluate the effects of mirogabalin on patient-reported pain and sleep interference in diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP). ⋯ Results support the effectiveness of mirogabalin in improving patient-reported pain and sleep interference in DPNP.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Virtual reality improves embodiment and neuropathic pain caused by spinal cord injury.
To investigate changes in body ownership and chronic neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) using multisensory own body illusions and virtual reality (VR). ⋯ The present findings show that VR exposure using multisensory stimulation differently affected leg vs body ownership, and is associated with mild analgesia with potential for SCI neurorehabilitation protocols.