Articles: neuralgia.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A feasibility study assessing cortical plasticity in chronic neuropathic pain following burn injury.
The aim of this article is to evaluate the neuroplastic changes associated with chronic neuropathic pain following burn injury and modulation feasibility using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). This is a crossover, double-blinded case series involving three patients with chronic neuropathic pain following burn injury. Participants were randomly assigned to undergo single sessions of both sham and active anodal tDCS over the primary motor cortex, contralateral to the most painful site. ⋯ Clinical outcomes did not change after a single session of tDCS. Results are consistent with previous studies showing that patients with chronic neuropathic pain have defective intracortical inhibition. This case series shows early evidence that chronic pain following burn injury may share similar central neural mechanisms, which could be modulated using tDCS.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency in the treatment of thoracic postherpetic neuralgia from the angulus costae: a randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial.
Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is often refractory to existing treatments. Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) is known to be effective for treating neuropathic pain. In common, the targets of PRF treatment were the segmental dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons responsible for the pain. A potential complication that can occasionally occur with PRF treatment is damage to the adjacent tissue and organ. The effectiveness of the angulus costae as a puncture site for PRF has not been tested in thoracic PHN treatment. ⋯ NO ISRCTN25588650.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Deep brain stimulation of the ventral striatum/anterior limb of the internal capsule in thalamic pain syndrome: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Chronic neuropathic pain in thalamic pain syndrome remains intractable. Its poor response is ascribed to destruction of the integrated neuromatrix in experience of pain. Deep brain stimulation is a promising technique to modulate activity of implicated structures. However, traditional approaches targeting sensori-motor substrates have failed to affect disability. The offending lesion in thalamic pain syndrome that almost invariably destroys sensory pain pathways may render these classical approaches ineffective. Instead, we hypothesize that targeting structures representing emotion and affective behavior-ventral striatum/anterior limb of the internal capsule, may alleviate disability. ⋯ Designing trials of deep brain stimulation for pain is challenging owing to the ethical-scientific dilemma of introducing a control arm, complicated blinding, heterogeneous etiologies, patient expectations, and inadequate assessment of disability. The quality of evidence in the field is classified as level III (poor) because it mainly includes a multitude of uncontrolled case series reporting variable outcomes, with little regard for the placebo effect related to implantation. Without valid data on efficacy, use of deep brain stimulation for pain remains "off label". We present our trial design to discuss feasibility of conducting sham-controlled phase I studies that may represent significant refinement for the field. Double-blinding would reduce influence of patient expectations and therapeutic confusion amongst investigators. With a cross-over approach, the dilemma regarding including a control group can be mitigated. Use of homogeneous etiology, measurement of disability, depression and quality of life, besides pain perception, all represent strategies to evaluate efficacy rigorously. Functional imaging would serve to define mechanisms underlying observed effects and may help optimize future targeting.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Randomised phase II trial (NCT00637975) evaluating activity and toxicity of two different escalating strategies for pregabalin and oxycodone combination therapy for neuropathic pain in cancer patients.
Neuropathic pain is commonly associated with cancer. Current treatments include combination opioid and adjuvant therapies, but no guidelines are available for dose escalation strategies. This phase II study compared the efficacy and tolerability of two dose escalation strategies for oxycodone and pregabalin combination therapy. ⋯ Both strategies effectively controlled neuropathic pain, but according to the adopted selection design arm A is preferable to arm B for pain control.
Randomized Controlled Trial
painDETECT questionnaire and lumbar epidural steroid injection for chronic radiculopathy.
The painDETECT questionnaire (PD-Q) is a fast and uncomplicated way to ascertain the percentage of neuropathic pain in 'total pain' and is designed to detect neuropathic pain components in back pain. The purpose of this randomized, prospective study is to compare, with the assessment of the PD-Q, the efficacy of interlaminar (IL) and transforaminal (TF) steroid injections in patients with unilateral chronic lumbar radicular pain. ⋯ Steroids are efficient; besides alleviating the overall pain, they also reduce the neuropathic component in chronic lumbar radicular pain, whether it is distributed epidurally by the IL or TF approach.