Articles: nerve-block.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A clinical comparison of psoas compartment and inguinal paravascular blocks combined with sciatic nerve block.
The extent of inguinal paravascular blockade and psoas compartment blockade with sciatic nerve block was evaluated in 60 patients. Volumes of 30 ml and 20 ml 0.35% bupivacaine with 1/200,000 epinephrine were injected for lumbar plexus and sciatic nerve block, respectively. ⋯ Sensory blockade of the lateral femoral cutaneous and obturator nerves was more rapid with psoas compartment block. The study suggests that the psoas compartment block is effective in blocking the femoral, lateral femoral cutaneous and obturator nerves, but the inguinal paravascular block is only effective in blocking the femoral nerve.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialContinuous subgluteus sciatic nerve block after orthopedic foot and ankle surgery: comparison of two infusion techniques.
To compare continuous infusion or a patient-controlled technique for postoperative analgesia after foot surgery, using a new subgluteus approach for continuous sciatic nerve block. ⋯ The continuous subgluteus sciatic nerve block represents an easy and reliable option for postoperative analgesia after foot surgery; using a patient controlled rather than a continuous infusion technique reduces the consumption of local anesthetic solution without affecting the quality of pain relief.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe effect of single-injection femoral nerve block on rehabilitation and length of hospital stay after total knee replacement.
Continuous-infusion femoral nerve block (FNB) improves analgesia and rehabilitation after total knee replacement. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of single-injection FNB to achieve similar results. ⋯ Single-injection FNB provided effective analgesia, facilitated early ambulation, and reduced the length of acute hospitalization in patients undergoing total knee replacement.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialBuprenorphine added to the local anesthetic for axillary brachial plexus block prolongs postoperative analgesia.
Buprenorphine added to local anesthetic solutions for supraclavicular block was found to triple postoperative analgesia duration in a previous study when compared with local anesthetic block alone. That study, however, did not control for potentially confounding factors, such as the possibility that buprenorphine was affecting analgesia through intramuscular absorption or via a spinal mechanism. To specifically delineate the role of buprenorphine in peripherally mediated opioid analgesia, the present study controlled for these 2 factors. ⋯ Buprenorphine-local anesthetic axillary perivascular brachial plexus block provided postoperative analgesia lasting 3 times longer than local anesthetic block alone and twice as long as buprenorphine given by IM injection plus local anesthetic-only block. This supports the concept of peripherally mediated opioid analgesia by buprenorphine.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Mar 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialIlioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block revisited: single shot versus double shot technique for hernia repair in children.
We attempted to determine the efficacy of a one plane ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block with a single shot and double shot techniques. ⋯ The DS technique, while technically more difficult, does not improve the success rate of the IG-IH nerve block compared with the SS technique.