Articles: nerve-block.
Minerva anestesiologica · Oct 2019
Letter Case ReportsDexamethasone as a local anesthetic adjuvant in bilateral ultrasound guided erector spinae plane block can provide a long-lasting analgesia in laparotomic abdominal surgery.
Korean J Anesthesiol · Oct 2019
Case ReportsSerratus anterior plane block combined with monitored anesthesia care for surgery of lateral side of breast -a case report.
In breast surgery, regional anesthesia rather than primary anesthesia has been mainly used for postoperative analgesia. Serratus anterior plane block is a new method for ultrasound-guided thoracic wall block. It is less invasive and relatively safer than conventional regional anesthetic techniques. ⋯ Serratus anterior plane block might be simple and effective technique for breast surgery when a lesion is located on lateral side.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Oct 2019
Ultrasound-Guided Dorsal Penile Nerve Block vs Neurostimulator-Guided Pudendal Nerve Block in Children Undergoing Hypospadias Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded Trial.
Hypospadias is a common congenital malformation in pediatric patients. Surgical repair of this malformation is a painful procedure and has long-term effects. Pudendal and penile nerve blocks are commonly preferred techniques for maintaining postoperative analgesia. However, the conventional landmark-based penile block technique involves numerous potential complications and provides a shorter analgesic period compared to the pudendal block. A promising ultrasound-guided dorsal penile nerve block was recently described. We aimed to compare the analgesic effectiveness of ultrasound-guided penile nerve block with that of neurostimulator-guided pudendal nerve block. ⋯ Ultrasound-guided dorsal penile nerve block provided a longer analgesic period and reduced opioid consumption compared to neurostimulator-guided pudendal nerve block.