Articles: hyperalgesia.
Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is a nonselective cation channel that is expressed in the sensory neurons and responds to various noxious stimuli including heat and capsaicin. The molecular properties of TRPV1 have been clearly examined; however, there are obvious individual differences in human sensitivity to thermal stimuli and capsaicin. ⋯ The sensitivities to burning pain and capsaicin of Japanese adult subjects were compared with their TRPV1 genome sequence, and we detected 6 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 11 single-nucleotide polymorphisms related to burning pain and capsaicin sensitivity, respectively. In particular, homozygous I585V, a single-nucleotide polymorphism with amino acid substitution, significantly related to higher capsaicin sensitivity.
J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. · Jan 2018
Nicotine Prevents and Reverses Paclitaxel-Induced Mechanical Allodynia in a Mouse Model of CIPN.
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a consequence of peripheral nerve fiber dysfunction or degeneration, continues to be a dose-limiting and debilitating side effect during and/or after cancer chemotherapy. Paclitaxel, a taxane commonly used to treat breast, lung, and ovarian cancers, causes CIPN in 59-78% of cancer patients. Novel interventions are needed due to the current lack of effective CIPN treatments. ⋯ Notably, nicotine neither promoted proliferation of A549 and H460 non-small cell lung cancer cells nor interfered with paclitaxel-induced antitumor effects, including apoptosis. Most importantly, chronic nicotine administration did not enhance Lewis lung carcinoma tumor growth in C57BL/6J mice. These data suggest that the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated pathways may be promising drug targets for the prevention and treatment of CIPN.
Scand J Med Sci Sports · Jan 2018
Blood flow after contraction and cuff occlusion is reduced in subjects with muscle soreness after eccentric exercise.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) occurs within 1-2 days after eccentric exercise, but the mechanism mediating hypersensitivity is unclear. This study hypothesized that eccentric exercise reduces the blood flow response following muscle contractions and cuff occlusion, which may result in accumulated algesic substances being a part of the sensitization in DOMS. Twelve healthy subjects (five women) performed dorsiflexion exercise (five sets of 10 repeated eccentric contractions) in one leg, while the contralateral leg was the control. ⋯ Compared with pre-exercise (day 0), reduced PPT (~25%, P<.002), MVC (~22%, P<.002), ATA diameter (~8%, P<.002), ATA post-contraction/occlusion blood flow (~16%, P<.04), and intramuscular peak blood flow (~23%, P<.03) were found in the DOMS leg on day 2 but not in the control leg. These results showed that eccentric contractions decreased vessel diameter, impaired the blood flow response, and promoted hyperalgesia. Thus, the results suggest that the blood flow reduction may be involved in the increased pain response after eccentric exercise.
Neuroimmune interactions play a vital role in many of the most common pain conditions, such as arthritis. There have been many attempts to derive clinically predictive information from an individual's inflammatory response in order to gauge subsequent pain perception. ⋯ A simple model of UVB inflammation in the skin might predict the degree of a patient's neuro-immune response and the extent of their postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty.
The Underestimated Significance of Conditioning in Placebo Hypoalgesia and Nocebo Hyperalgesia.
Placebo and nocebo effects are intriguing phenomena in pain perception with important implications for clinical research and practice because they can alleviate or increase pain. According to current theoretical accounts, these effects can be shaped by verbal suggestions, social observational learning, and classical conditioning and are necessarily mediated by explicit expectation. In this review, we focus on the contribution of conditioning in the induction of placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia and present accumulating evidence that conditioning independent from explicit expectation can cause these effects. ⋯ Because only few studies have investigated clinical samples, the picture seems less clear when it comes to patient populations with chronic pain. However, conditioning appears to be a promising means to optimize treatment. In order to get a better insight into the mechanisms of placebo and nocebo effects in pain and the possible benefits of conditioning compared to explicit expectation, future studies should carefully distinguish both methods of induction.