Articles: intensive-care-units.
EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb · Jun 1978
[Centralized system for EEG-diagnosis and EEG-monitoring in a neurologic intensive care unit (author's transl)].
A centralized EEG system installed in a neurologic intensive care unit is described. It is the first step to a computerized EEG monitoring which on the basis of conventional EEG recordings already permits a "brain monitoring" to some extent. It consists of a system for total EEG diagnosis which is connected with a central EEG laboratory via long-distance transmission lines, and of a system for EEG-monitoring which is part of the general beside monitor system. The possibilities of this system are demonstrated in monitoring of patients with epileptic seizures.
Seventy-four patients were admitted after cardiac resuscitation to a general intensive care unit; 19, of whom 14 were neurologically normal, were utimately discharged from hospital. It is suggested that elderly patients, those who have had prolonged resuscitation, and patients with a combination of hypothermia, coma, dilated pupils, and apnoea have a very poor prognosis. It is doubtful whether such patients benefit from admission to an intensive care unit.