Articles: coronavirus.
Multicenter Study
Do standards of care and early outcomes of periprosthetic fractures change during the COVID-19 pandemic? A multicentre study.
Periprosthetic fractures (PPFs) are a growing matter for orthopaedic surgeons, and patients with PPFs may represent a frail target in the case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether hospital reorganisations during the most severe phase of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affected standards of care and early outcomes of patients treated for PPFs in Northern Italy. ⋯ IV.
European heart journal · Jun 2021
C-reactive protein and clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19.
A systemic inflammatory response is observed in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Elevated serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of systemic inflammation, are associated with severe disease in bacterial or viral infections. We aimed to explore associations between CRP concentration at initial hospital presentation and clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. ⋯ Systemic inflammation, as measured by CRP, is strongly associated with VTE, AKI, critical illness, and mortality in COVID-19. CRP-based approaches to risk stratification and treatment should be tested.
Observational Study
The tolerance of physiotherapy treatment in patients with COVID-19 and undergoing surgery for fragility hip fracture: An observational study.
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the tolerance of physiotherapy treatment implemented for patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and undergoing hip surgeryCase-control study. During the period between March and May 2020, 9 patients were enrolled in the study with diagnosis of COVID-19 and hip fracture. In order to evaluate the tolerability of physiotherapy treatment a comparison group, involving 27 patients with a hip fracture but in the absence of suspicion of COVID-19 positivity, were put together. ⋯ Average of Borg scale post treatment for COVID patients was 1.3 (DS = 1.3) compared to 0.6 (DS = 0.7) of non-COVID patients (P < .0005) but the breathing difficulty was light during the treatment, only 9% of COVID patients had a worsening superior of two points with Borg scale compared to 3% of non-COVID patients (P = .138). The incidence of walking recovery was 63% in the non-COVID patients group compared to 44.4% in the COVID group (P = .329). Physiotherapy treatment of patients with COVID-19 infection and undergoing surgery for hip fracture is well tolerated and should be encouraged and well monitored.
In coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome refractory to optimal conventional management, we should consider the indication for veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO). Growing evidence indicates that COVID-19 frequently causes coagulopathy, presenting as hypercoagulation and incidental thrombosis. For these reasons, a multifactorial approach with several anticoagulant markers should be considered in the management of anticoagulation using heparin in COVID-19 patients on V-V ECMO. ⋯ TEG monitoring might be a useful option for managing anticoagulation in COVID-19 patients on V-V ECMO frequently showing a hypercoagulative state and requiring massive doses of heparin, to reduce both hemorrhagic and thrombotic complications.
At present, whether respiratory training can improve the lung function, quality of life, and mental health of patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still controversial. Therefore, in order to provide new evidence-based medicine for clinical treatment, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of respiratory training in improving lung function, quality of life, and mental health of patients with COVID-19. ⋯ DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/ZQTGY.