Articles: sepsis.
Critical care clinics · Jul 1989
ReviewMultiple systems organ failure (MSOF): lessons learned from the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
The relationship between ARDS and MSOF is explored. Models include that ARDS represents only one organ failing in MSOF, or that MSOF is a complication of ARDS owing to the development of infection and sepsis syndrome in these patients. Data are reviewed suggesting an important role of infection and sepsis syndrome in both models.
Within a 3-years period the presence of nosocomial bacteriaemias was analyzed retrospectively among 13.878 hospitalized patients. The incidence was 0.050%. Antibiotic prophylaxis and the operative technique play an important role in achieving a low incidence of morbidity due to infection. The management of a severe infection includes antibiotic therapy according to culture sensitivity and intensive care.