Articles: sepsis.
Journal of critical care · Jun 2024
Hemodynamic profile of cirrhotic patients with sepsis and septic shock: A propensity score matched case-control study.
Our understanding of hemodynamics in cirrhotic patients with sepsis remains limited. Our study aims to investigate differences in hemodynamic profiles using echocardiography between septic patients with and without cirrhosis. ⋯ Septic patients with cirrhosis had higher LVEF with lower Ea and SVR with higher Ees and significantly lower Ea/Ees suggesting vasodilation as the principal driver of the hyperdynamic profile in cirrhosis.
Sepsis fluid resuscitation is controversial, especially for patients with volume overload risk. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommends a 30-mL/kg crystalloid fluid bolus for patients with sepsis-induced hypoperfusion. Criticism of this approach includes excessive fluid resuscitation in certain patients. ⋯ Receipt of a 30-mL/kg fluid bolus did not affect outcomes in a cohort of patients with mixed types of HF and sepsis-induced hypoperfusion.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jun 2024
Editorial Comment LetterAbout Acute Disorders of Consciousness in Pediatric Severe Sepsis and Organ Failure.