Articles: chronic.
Instituting drug holidays for chronic opioid using patients is becoming commonplace for pain practitioners initiating procedures such as intrathecal pump or spinal cord stimulator trials. As such, pain practitioners need to be adept in their management of acute opioid withdrawal. Successfully weaning an opioid dependent patient off of chronic opioids requires a thorough knowledge of the available adjuvants to assist in this process. ⋯ We present a case in which refractory muscle spasms secondary to opioid withdrawal were successfully treated with an over-the-counter supplement that is not typically used for the attenuation of opioid withdrawal symptoms. In a patient intolerant to the side effects of clonidine, we were able to successfully wean chronic opiates by treating refractory muscle spasms with the serotonin precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). We hypothesize that our success with this medication gives further credence to the role of serotonin in opioid withdrawal somatic symptomatology, and supports the need for future research to clarify the role of serotonin precursors or serotonin modulating drugs as potential alternatives in those unable to follow standard treatment protocols.
Pain interventionists can interrupt pain through anesthetic blockade of neural transmission to virtually any part of the body. Temporary pain relief can be achieved by the direct application of targeted anesthetic. Diagnostically, nerve blocks help identify specific pain generators, refine differential diagnosis, and disrupt the neural transmission mechanisms to stop pain generation peripherally. ⋯ This study's results support the hypothesis that a combined interventional and cognitive motivational counseling treatment program can be effective in decreasing spine pain, reducing prescription pain medication use, and improving overall quality of life in chronic spine pain patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effect of Spinal Cord Stimulation on Sensory Characteristics: A Randomized, Blinded Crossover Study.
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is increasingly used to treat various chronic pain conditions. One undetermined issue is to what extent SCS alters the processing of sensory information from the periphery, including those stimuli that are mediated by small-fiber populations. We aimed to investigate these possible changes using quantitative sensory testing (QST). ⋯ The results support existing evidence suggesting that SCS does not change sensory characteristics, which is important information for both patients and clinicians. Changes in pain intensity after deactivation of SCS may be different in short-term and long-term SCS treatment.
The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) penalizes hospitals for 30-day readmissions and was extended to COPD in October 2014. There is limited evidence available on readmission risk factors and reasons for readmission to guide hospitals in initiating programs to reduce COPD readmissions. ⋯ Medicare patients with COPD exacerbations are usually not readmitted for COPD, and these reasons differ depending on PAC use. Readmitted patients are more likely to be dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, suggesting that the addition of COPD to the readmissions penalty may further worsen the disproportionately high penalties seen in safety net hospitals.