Articles: chronic.
Pain is a common and highly debilitating complication for cancer patients significantly compromising their quality of life. Cancer-induced bone pain involves a complex interplay of multiple mechanisms including both inflammatory and neuropathic processes and also some unique changes. Strong opioids are a mainstay of treatments but side effects are problematic and can compromise optimal pain control. Tapentadol is a novel dual-action drug, both stimulating inhibitory μ-opioid receptors (MOR) and mediating noradrenaline reuptake inhibition (NRI) leading to activation of the inhibitory α-2 adrenoceptor. It has been demonstrated to treat effectively both acute and chronic pain. We here demonstrate the efficacy in a model of cancer-induced bone pain. ⋯ These findings add to the mechanistic understanding of cancer-induced bone pain and support the sparse clinical data indicating a possible use of the drug as a therapeutic alternative for cancer patients with metastatic pain complication.
This narrative review summarizes and integrates the available literature on positive affect (PA) and pain to: (1) provide a brief overview of PA and summarize the key findings that have emerged in the study of PA and pain; (2) provide a theoretical foundation from which to understand how PA operates in the context of chronic pain (CP); and (3) highlight how the prevailing psychosocial treatments for CP address PA in the therapeutic context, and offer suggestions for how future treatment development research can maximize the benefit of PA for patients with CP. ⋯ We offer an "upward spiral" model of PA, resilience and pain self-management, which makes specific predictions that PA will buffer maladaptive cognitive and affective responses to pain, and promote active engagement in valued goals that enhance CP self-management.
Previous data showed that, in rats, anti-migraine drugs (triptans, olcegepant) significantly reduced mechanical allodynia induced by infraorbital nerve (ION) ligation but not that evoked by sciatic nerve (SN) ligation. Whether this also occurs with MK-8825, a novel anti-migraine drug also acting through CGRP receptor blockade (but chemically unrelated to olcegepant) was tested in the present study, which also investigated possible anti-neuroinflammatory effects of this drug. ⋯ These data further support the idea that CGRP receptor blockade might be a valuable approach to alleviate trigeminal, but not spinal, neuropathic pain through, at least partly, an inhibitory effect on neuropathic pain-associated increase in NO production in trigeminal ganglion.
Critical care medicine · Feb 2015
Comparing Observed and Predicted Mortality Among ICUs Using Different Prognostic Systems: Why Do Performance Assessments Differ?
To compare ICU performance using standardized mortality ratios generated by the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IVa and a National Quality Forum-endorsed methodology and examine potential reasons for model-based standardized mortality ratio differences. ⋯ Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IVa and National Quality Forum models yield different ICU performance assessments due to differences in case-mix adjustment. Given the growing role of outcomes in driving prospective payment patient referral and public reporting, performance should be assessed by models with fewer exclusions, superior accuracy, and better case-mix adjustment.