Articles: emergency-medical-services.
Mobile integrated health care (MIH) leverages emergency medical services (EMS) clinicians to perform local health care functions. Little is known about the individual EMS clinicians working in this role. We sought to describe the prevalence, demographics, and training of EMS clinicians providing MIH in the United States (US). ⋯ Few nationally certified US EMS clinicians perform MIH roles. Only half of MIH roles were performed by paramedics; EMT and AEMT clinicians performed a substantial proportion of MIH roles. The observed variability in certification and training suggest heterogeneity in preparation and performance of MIH roles among US EMS clinicians.
Timely prehospital emergency care significantly improves health outcomes. One substantial challenge delaying prehospital emergency care is in locating the patient requiring emergency services. The goal of this study was to describe challenges emergency medical services (EMS) teams in Rwanda face locating emergencies, and explore potential opportunities for improvement. ⋯ This study has identified challenges faced by the EMS system in Rwanda in locating emergencies and identified opportunities for intervention. Timely EMS response is essential for optimal clinical outcomes. As EMS systems develop and expand in low-resource settings, there is an urgent need to implement locally relevant solutions to improve the timely locating of emergencies.
Routine continuous monitoring of endotracheal tube placement with waveform capnography is considered standard of care in the prehospital setting. However, maintaining this standard in neonatal patients remains a challenge due to low tidal volumes that do not tolerate the additional dead space ETCO2 attachments add. Additionally, continuous ETCO2 can increase the risk of ETT dislodgement or kinking because of the weight and size of the capnography attachments relative to the patient and tube size. We hypothesize that there is a gap in care of intubated neonates when compared to adults in the prehospital setting in terms of continuous monitoring of ETT placement. ⋯ Continuous ETCO2 monitoring is underutilized in intubated neonates compared to children, adolescents, and adults in the prehospital setting in this study population. This suggests a gap in the standard of care provided to neonates. Additional studies are needed to determine if these results are consistent around the industry and if there is a higher rate of undetected tube displacement in neonates who are transported without waveform capnography.
Protective athletic equipment may hamper the delivery of effective chest compressions. Unfortunately, an algorithm for managing cardiac arrest emergencies with equipment-laden athletes has yet to be established by national CPR certifying agencies. Further, athletes classified as being overweight or obese carry adipose in the thoracic region, which has been reported to inhibit the ability of rescuers to provide quality chest compressions. Thus, the purpose of this study was two-fold. The first purpose was to assess the ability of emergency responders to perform CPR chest compressions on an obese manikin. The second purpose was to analyze the effect of American football protective equipment on the performance of chest compressions by emergency responders. ⋯ Within this sample of emergency responders, chest compressions were adversely affected both by the equipment and obesity. Additionally, the traditional manikin received comparable chest compressions regardless of the presence or absence of football protective equipment, albeit both conditions resulted in poor depth performance.
Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) personnel provide on-scene trauma care to patients with high mortality risk. Work in the HEMS setting is characterized by frequent exposure to critical incidents and other stressors. The aim of this study was to further our understanding of the factors underlying HEMS personnel wellbeing to inform organizations regarding workplace interventions that can be implemented to support employees. ⋯ This study identifies factors and strategies that support the wellbeing of HEMS personnel. It also provides insight into the HEMS work culture and help-seeking behavior in this population. Findings from this study may benefit employers by shedding much-needed light on factors that HEMS personnel feel affect wellbeing.