Articles: emergency-medical-services.
Critical care medicine · Apr 1992
Role of a prehospital medical system in reducing heroin-related deaths.
The mortality rate from heroin overdose in Italy between 1977 and 1987 increased significantly. However, in the same period, a significant increase was not observed in Tuscany, an administrative region in Italy. This study was performed to determine if the prehospital emergency medical system of Florence, the capital of Tuscany (the only one operating in Italy during the study period), affected this lower mortality rate. ⋯ We suggest that an emergency medical system can play an important role in reducing the mortality rate from heroin overdose.
Prehosp Disaster Med · Apr 1992
An analysis of invasive airway management in a suburban emergency medical services system.
Airway management is the most critical and potentially life-saving intervention performed by emergency medical service (EMS) providers. Invasive airway management often is required in non-cardiac-arrest patients who are combative or otherwise uncooperative. The success of prehospital invasive airway management in this patient population was evaluated. ⋯ Prehospital providers can intubate a high but improvable proportion of non-cardiac-arrested patients by both the orotracheal and nasotracheal routes. The use of pharmacologic adjuncts to facilitate the prehospital intubation of selected, non-cardiac-arrested patients is a promising adjunct that needs further evaluation.