Articles: emergency-medical-services.
Records of 263 consecutive patients receiving prehospital advanced cardiac life support for dysrhythmias associated with clinical cardiac arrest were reviewed to determine 1) accuracy of diagnosis of presenting rhythm by the paramedic in the field and the medical control physician at the telemetry base station; and 2) whether the treatment rendered was appropriate. The initial rhythm was misinterpreted by the paramedic in 41 patients (16%) and by the medical control physician in 22 patients (11%). ⋯ Forty-seven errors (18%) resulted from failure to establish an intravenous line, 17 (6%) resulted from failure to secure a controlled airway, and 38 (14%) were medication errors from failure to adhere to protocol. We conclude that errors in management of prehospital cardiac arrest victims in our emergency medical services system result most often from mistakes in specific therapy rather than from failure to identify the precipitating dysrhythmia.
In order to effectively implement a community-wide trauma system, a mechanism of field triage is required. This process of triage should be simple to use and should accurately identify patients who are in need of level I trauma facility care. ⋯ The CRAMS (Circulation, Respiration, Abdomen, Motor, Speech) scale was prospectively studied as a potential triage tool by using it to score patients in the field and then comparing their scores to their emergency room dispositions and final outcomes. The CRAMS scale was easy to apply and accurately identified both the critically injured who should be triaged to a Level I center and the less critically injured who can be adequately cared for by Level II and III centers.