Articles: emergency-medical-services.
Mixed reality (MR) is a hybrid system that projects virtual elements into reality. MR technology provides immersive learning using various real-world tools. However, studies on educational programs using MR are scarce. ⋯ The percentage of correct answers to multiple choice questions increased (from a mean of 42.3, SD 12.4-54.8, SD 13) after the MR-based trauma assessment and treatment training (P < .001). Of the participants, 79.45% were satisfied with the overall experience of using the MR simulator. This study demonstrated a meaningful educational effect of the MR-based trauma training system even after a short training time.
Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated response to an infection that requires early intervention. Prehospital sepsis screening tools have not yet been widely evaluated for their performance in clinical practice. ⋯ Due to their relatively good predictive abilities to detect septic patients and simplicities, the PRESEP and Miami Sepsis Scores could be used for screening patients for sepsis in prehospital settings. Further prospective validation and evaluation of effect on clinical outcomes are needed.
Law enforcement (LE) professionals are often dispatched to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) to provide early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) application with mixed evidence of a survival benefit. Our objective was to comprehensively evaluate LE care in OHCA. ⋯ LE arrival before EMS and ensuring both CPR and AED application is associated with significantly improved functional survival in OHCA patients not already receiving bystander CPR.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Association of blood pressure with neurologic outcome at hospital discharge after pediatric cardiac arrest resuscitation.
Poor outcomes are associated with post cardiac arrest blood pressures <5th percentile for age. We aimed to study the relationship of mean arterial pressure (MAP) with favorable neurologic outcome following cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). ⋯ In the first 6-hours post-ROSC, a lowest documented MAP between the 5th-74th percentile for age was associated with favorable neurologic outcome compared to MAP <5th percentile for age.
In many parts of the world, emergency medical services (EMS) clinical care is traditionally delivered by different levels or types of EMS clinicians, such as emergency medical technicians and paramedics. In some areas, physicians are also included among the cadre of professionals administering EMS-based care. ⋯ NAEMSP first published recommendations regarding what some of these competencies should be in 1983 and subsequently updated those recommendations in 2002. This document is an updated work, given the evolution of the field.