Articles: function.
The purpose of this article is to systematically review and critically assess the existing data regarding the use of transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD), by providing a detailed description of technical aspects of TPTD techniques, appraising the use of TPTD-derived parameters in specific clinical settings, and exploring the limits of this technique. ⋯ The TPTD is an invasive but well tolerated, multiparametric, advanced cardiopulmonary monitoring technique, allowing a comprehensive assessment of cardiopulmonary condition. Beyond the CO estimation, TPTD provides several indices that help answering questions that clinicians ask themselves during hemodynamic management. TPTD-guided algorithm obtained by pulse contour analysis may be useful to optimize fluid resuscitation by titrating fluid therapy according to functional hemodynamic monitoring and to define safety criteria to avoid fluid overload by following the changes in the extravascular lung water (EVLW) and pulmonary vascular permeability index (PVPI).
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global health priority, associated with substantial burden. Historically conceptualised as an injury event with finite recovery, TBI is now recognised as a chronic condition that can affect multiple domains of health and function, some of which might deteriorate over time. Many people who have had a TBI remain moderately to severely disabled at 5 years, are rehospitalised up to 10 years post-injury, and have a reduced lifespan relative to the general population. ⋯ The United States Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems of Care follows up individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI for over 30 years, allowing characterisation of the chronic (2-30 years or more post injury) functional, cognitive, behavioural, and social sequelae experienced by individuals who have had a moderate-to-severe TBI and the implications for their health and quality of life. Older age, social determinants of health, and lower acute functional status are associated with post-recovery deterioration, while younger age and greater functional independence are associated with risky health behaviours, including substance misuse and re-injury. Systematically collected data on long-term outcomes across multiple domains of health and function are needed worldwide to inform the development of models for chronic disease management, including the proactive surveillance of commonly experienced health and functional challenges.
Male infertility is attributed to multiple factors including high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF). Conventional semen analysis continues to be the gold standard for diagnosis of male factor infertility around the world. However, the limitations of basic semen analysis have prompted the search for complementary assessments of sperm function and integrity. ⋯ While a controlled degree of DNA nicking is required for appropriate DNA compaction, excessive fragmentation of sperm DNA is linked to impaired male fertility potential, decreased fertilization, poor embryo quality, recurrent pregnancy loss, and failure of assisted reproductive technology procedures. However, there is an ongoing debate regarding whether or not to employ SDF as a routine test for male infertility. This review compiles up-to-date information regarding the pathophysiology of SDF, the currently available SDF tests, and the role of SDF tests in natural and assisted conception conditions.
The identification of markers capable of evaluating oocyte quality, its maturation, function, and embryo progression and implantation potential has frequently initiated research interest. However, to date, univocal criteria of oocyte competence do not exist. A major cause of low oocyte quality is evidently advanced maternal age. ⋯ Due to the lack of consistent data for the assessment of oocyte quality and competence, probably oocyte morphology and oocyte maturity remain important indicators to determine oocyte quality. The aim of this review was to provide spherical attributes and evidence on recent and present research on the topic by analyzing the current methods for evaluation of the oocyte quality, and the impact of oocyte quality on reproductive outcomes. Additionally, current limitations of oocyte quality evaluation are highlighted and insights on future research are provided to optimize the selection techniques of oocytes to improve ART outcomes.
Although pain dysfunction is increasingly observed in Huntington disease, the underlying mechanisms still unknown. As a crucial Huntington-associated protein, Huntington-associated protein 1 (HAP1) is enriched in normal spinal dorsal horn and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) which are regarded as "primary sensory center," indicating its potential functions in pain process. Here, we discovered that HAP1 level was greatly increased in the dorsal horn and DRG under acute and chronic pain conditions. ⋯ Furthermore, SNI-induced activation of astrocytes and microglia notably decreased in HAP1-deficient mice. These results indicate that HAP1 deficiency might attenuate pain responses. Collectively, our results suggest that HAP1 in dorsal horn and DRG neurons regulates Cav1.2 surface expression, which in turn reduces neuronal excitability, BDNF secretion, and inflammatory responses and ultimately influences neuropathic pain progression.