Articles: function.
Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr. · Jun 2024
[Legally improved access to geriatric rehabilitation - prerequisites and weaknesses].
Geriatric rehabilitation is a cornerstone of the German healthcare system to maintain the functional capacity of older patients and prevent the need for long-term care. Until recently, access to geriatric rehabilitation was largely limited to post-acute care. With the introduction of new legislation, patients aged 70 and over can be referred to geriatric rehabilitation by practitioners. ⋯ Diagnoses and test results must be consistent in documenting the need for geriatric rehabilitation. However, individual assessment of resources and motivation are prerequisites that need to be assessed by prescribing practitioners prior to prescription, considering the structure of the available formats. First analyses document improvement in access to geriatric rehabilitation but point to limited availability.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jun 2024
Inhibition of Cyclophilin A-Metalloproteinase-9 Pathway Alleviates the Development of Neuropathic Pain by Promoting Repair of the Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier.
Dysfunction of the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) contributes to the occurrence and development of neuropathic pain (NP). Previous studies revealed that the activation of cyclophilin A (CypA)-metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) signaling pathway can disrupt the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and aggravate neuroinflammatory responses. However, the roles of CypA-MMP9 signaling pathway on BSCB in NP have not been studied. This study aimed to investigate the effect of CypA on the structure and function of the BSCB and pain behaviors in mice with NP. ⋯ Collectively, the CypA-MMP9 signaling pathway is responsible for CCI-induced NP in mice by impairing the structure and function of the BSCB, and activating microglia and inflammatory responses.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2024
ReviewFoot drop in critically ill patients: a narrative review of an elusive complication with intricate implications for recovery and rehabilitation.
Foot drop is a condition characterized by the inability to lift the foot upwards towards the shin bone. This condition may affect a proportion of critically ill patients, impacting on their recovery after the acute phase of the illness. The occurrence of foot drop in critical care patients may result from various underlying causes, including neurological injuries, muscular dysfunction, nerve compression, or vascular compromise. ⋯ We search for the potential risk factors that contribute to its development during critical illness, the impact it has on patients' functional abilities, and the various diagnostic techniques adopted to evaluate its severity. Additionally, we discuss current treatment approaches, rehabilitation strategies, and preventive measures to mitigate the adverse effects of foot drop in the critical care setting. Furthermore, we explore the roles of critical care physical therapists, neurologists, and other healthcare professionals in the comprehensive care of patients with foot drop syndrome and in such highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach.