Articles: operative.
Review Case Reports
Unusual Manifestations of the Trigeminocardiac Reflex During Awake Craniotomy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
The trigeminocardiac reflex (TCR) is triggered by stimulation of a branch of the trigeminal nerve and results in vagally mediated bradycardia, hypotension, apnea, and gastrointestinal hypermotility. In the operating theatre, patients susceptible to TCR are typically under general anesthesia; thus, cardiac abnormalities are the most common manifestation. Our case highlights the less common intraoperative manifestations of gastric hypermotility and apnea in a patient undergoing awake craniotomy for tumor resection. Prompt recognition, removal of stimuli, and airway management prevented catastrophic complications while facilitating completion of the procedure.
Retroauricular or facelift approach for robotic thyroidectomy involves a long incision with extensive subcutaneous dissection causing severe pain and discomfort. Multimodal analgesic regimen with inclusion of intermediate cervical plexus block by anterior route provided excellent perioperative analgesia without affecting recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring in 10 cases. ⋯ Median numeric pain rating scale score in 24 hours postoperatively was 3. None of the cases had any significant complications on follow-up.
Patients with preexisting respiratory compromise are at risk for perioperative respiratory failure. Adult literature has shown benefit with prophylactic postoperative use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV). ⋯ Further, surgical literature does not address preoperative prophylactic use of NIMV, as well as use of the newest modality of NIMV, average volume-assured pressure support (AVAPS). Here, we describe the first report of pre- and postoperative use of AVAPS in a pediatric patient with respiratory compromise from Ullrich disease.
Review Case Reports
Transesophageal Echocardiography in Patients With Magnetic Gastroesophageal Reflux Devices: A Report of 2 Cases.
Magnetic gastroesophageal reflux devices are becoming a common treatment option for reflux refractory to medical therapy. These devices are inserted laparoscopically with successful outcomes; however, patients may still complain of dysphagia after implantation. ⋯ However, we present 2 cases where intraoperative TEE was performed in patients with reflux devices without complication or image degradation. The described cases, in addition to a review of the perioperative management of these devices, support the use of TEE in this patient population.