Articles: postoperative-complications.
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCABG) presents distinct hemodynamic characteristics, yet the relationship between intraoperative hypotension and short-term adverse outcomes remains clear. Our study aims to investigate association between intraoperative hypotension and postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI), mortality and length of stay in OPCABG patients. ⋯ MAP > 65 mmHg emerges as a significant independent protective factor for AKI in OPCABG and IOH is related to length of hospital stay. Proactive intervention targeting intraoperative hypotension may provide a potential opportunity to reduce postoperative renal injury and hospital stay.
Simple mastectomies are routinely performed in the military health care system as gynecomastia can cause significant pain and discomfort when wearing body armor. Postoperative recovery negatively impacts personnel readiness. In this study, we sought to study time to return to duty in active duty service members who undergo surgery for gynecomastia. ⋯ Gynecomastia surgery is associated with a detriment to personnel readiness. Surgery should be reserved for patients with severe symptoms that prevent the performance of daily duties. Furthermore, factors associated with an increased risk for complications include ranks E1-E5, behavioral health diagnosis, length of operation >58 minutes, and excised breast mass >17.9 g. The operating surgeon should be mindful of these factors.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2024
Review Meta AnalysisPreoperative coronary interventions for preventing acute myocardial infarction in the perioperative period of major open vascular or endovascular surgery.
Postoperative myocardial infarction (POMI) is associated with major surgeries and remains the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in people undergoing vascular surgery, with an incidence rate ranging from 5% to 20%. Preoperative coronary interventions, such as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), may help prevent acute myocardial infarction in the perioperative period of major vascular surgery when used in addition to routine perioperative drugs (e.g. statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and antiplatelet agents), CABG by creating new blood circulation routes that bypass the blockages in the coronary vessels, and PCI by opening up blocked blood vessels. There is currently uncertainty around the benefits and harms of preoperative coronary interventions. ⋯ Preoperative coronary interventions plus usual care may have little or no effect on preventing perioperative acute myocardial infarction and reducing perioperative all-cause mortality compared to usual care, but the evidence is very uncertain. Similarly, limited, very low-certainty evidence shows that preoperative coronary interventions may have little or no effect on reducing long-term all-cause mortality. There is very low-certainty evidence that preoperative coronary interventions plus usual care may prevent long-term myocardial infarction, and low-certainty evidence that they may reduce length of hospital stay slightly, but not cardiovascular mortality in the short term, when compared to usual care alone. Adverse effects of preoperative coronary interventions were poorly reported in trials. Quality of life and vessel or graft patency were not reported. We downgraded the certainty of the evidence most frequently for high risk of bias, inconsistency, or imprecision. None of the analysed trials provided significant data on subgroups of patients who could potentially experience more substantial benefits from preoperative coronary intervention (e.g. altered ventricular ejection fraction). There is a need for evidence from larger and homogeneous RCTs to provide adequate statistical power to assess the role of preoperative coronary interventions for preventing acute myocardial infarction in the perioperative period of major open vascular or endovascular surgery.
Minimally invasive transcervical oesophagectomy is a surgical technique that offers radical oesophagectomy without the need for transthoracic access. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of the minimally invasive transcervical oesophagectomy procedure and to report the refinement of this technique in a Western cohort. ⋯ Introducing minimally invasive transcervical oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer in a Dutch institution is associated with a low rate of postoperative pulmonary complications and a high rate of temporary recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy.