Articles: opioid.
The increased use of opioids in the treatment of chronic pain encourages the search for drugs with low abuse and tolerance potential but with potent analgesic activity. Opioid agonist-antagonists and partial agonists have less abuse potential than do mu opioid receptor agonists such as morphine, and have been used for many years for their analgesic affects. ⋯ Doctors are often hesitant to prescribe agonist-antagonists and partial agonists to opioid-tolerant patients, fearing that these drugs may precipitate withdrawal. Can drugs being used safely for addiction treatment also safely replace opioid agonists to provide analgesia in chronic pain patients who are opioid-tolerant?
Availability of opiate substances through physicians and on the street has led to a rise in dependence and in addiction resulting in countless numbers of people hooked on these drugs. Long-term use of these agents results in reduction of endogenous supply of opiate replaced by these exogenous compounds. A technique known as Ultrarapid Detoxification (UROD) has been developed and appears more promising than conventional modalities. ⋯ Though techniques vary from center to center, safety should be paramount with the technique performed in an intensive care unit with trained professional anesthesiologists. Psychosocial issues should be evaluated by a trained addictionalist and most people will succeed from the UROD procedure without experiencing the horrible withdrawal syndrome. Patients must have realistic goals and be prepared to deal with psychosocial issues post-procedure.
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has traditionally been applied to the treatment of neuropathic pain with good to excellent outcomes. Visceral pain syndromes can be just as debilitating and disabling as somatic and neuropathic pain, however, there seems to be a general lack of consensus on appropriate treatment strategies for these disorders. We present here several case studies to demonstrate the viscerotomal distribution of abdominal visceral pain pathways and the application of traditional SCS techniques for its management. ⋯ There was an overall mean reduction of 4.9 points in the VAS score for pain intensity and a substantial (> 50%) decrease in narcotic use. All patients were followed for more than one year with excellent outcomes and minimal complications. We conclude, based on these case reports, that SCS might be an effective, nondestructive, and reversible treatment modality for abdominal visceral pain disorders.
Over the years, there has been a shift toward the increased reliance on opioids for the treatment of chronic pain. It is well known that some patients do not provide an appropriate history or underestimate their drug intake, and may exaggerate reported pain levels. Numerous studies have documented the incidence of illicit drug use and abuse of opioids in chronic pain patients. It is not known what proportion of patients have already been exposed to controlled substances prior to presenting for interventional pain management. ⋯ Ninety percent of these patients were taking opioids. Twenty-seven patients incorrectly reported opioid use, either underuse or overuse, with 23 patients using illicit drugs, 12 using non-prescription opioids, and with 35 of 100 patients at initial evaluation exhibiting one of the abuse behaviors.
The objective of this paper is to assess the outcome of implanted multiple thoracolumbar lead spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in mechanical back pain without prior spinal surgery. These results are compared with intrathecal opioid drug delivery (ITDD). An anonymous third party patient questionnaire study of pain relief, function and psychosocial quality of life measures (recorded on 11-point numerical rating scales) for 12 patients with SCS and 13 with ITDD was used. ⋯ The majority of psychosocial quality of life measures were significantly more improved in the ITDD group compared with the SCS group (p < 0.05). We conclude that multiple-lead SCS improves mechanical back pain in patients unresponsive to more conservative measures. However, ITDD provides significantly more improved quality of life measures, with a trend towards greater pain reduction than SCS.