Articles: emergency-medicine.
To evaluate the impact of environmental factors on emergency medicine (EM) resident career choice. ⋯ Modification of the EM training environment may influence the career choices of graduates. Specifically, greater commitment of departmental funds and support of resources for research may enhance the likelihood of a trainee's choosing an academic research career.
Changing health care markets have threatened academic health centers and their traditional focus on teaching and research. ⋯ Academic EM departments are often affiliated with nonacademic ED sites. These additional sites are commonly staffed by academic EM faculty and EM residents. Academic productivity does not appear to decrease when additional ED sites are added. Reimbursement monies from these ED sites commonly supports academic activities.
Comparative Study
A comparison of Australasian and United States emergency medicine training programs.
Training programs in emergency medicine differ from country to country. This article compares the allopathic training programs of Australasia and the United States. The perceived advantages of these programs are highlighted, but no attempt is made to determine which is the better program. ⋯ Rotations tend to be much shorter but ensure exposure to a broader range of clinical experience. Evaluation of trainees and teaching faculty is more frequent and documentation of procedural and resuscitation skills is required. Trainees are under the close supervision of teaching faculty at all times when working in an ED.
The ACGME and RRCs help to establish and maintain a fertile environment for scholarly activity in residency programs. A role in education of academicians is a byproduct of the requirements describing characteristics of educational institutions and residency programs. The decision of an individual graduate of a program to enter an academic or other career is the outcome of a multifactorial process involving individual preferences, environment, mentoring, experiences, and opportunity. The RRC-EM is happy to play a part in this complex process.