Articles: emergency-medicine.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 1996
Technical skills experiences in pediatric emergency medicine fellowship programs.
Guidelines for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) fellowship programs were published by the Curriculum Subcommittee, Section of Emergency Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics in February 1993. The guideline listed 120 technical skills that the subcommittee felt all fellows should be able to perform at the completion of their training. The purpose of this study was to measure the experience of PEM fellows in performing skills recommended by the subcommittee and to determine if documentation lists were being maintained. ⋯ Large emergency department volumes did not influence number of procedure completions. Our data indicate that graduating PEM fellows have limited experience in performing many common as well as several life- and limb-saving skills. Documentation lists of technical skills are not being maintained by most fellows.
Many ethical issues in emergency medicine involve the question of informed consent. In this article, the ethical basis for informed consent, the essential elements of a morally valid informed consent, and the inadequacy of the law as a moral guide for informed consent are discussed. The ways in which the nature of emergency medicine affects the application of moral principles are examined, and specific guidelines for assessing a patient's decision-making capacity regarding informed consent are provided.
To quantify the number of patients seen per hour by non-emergency medicine (non-EM) residents in a university hospital ED. ⋯ The rate at which non-EM residents work up patients is consistent with previously reported rates for EM residents.