Articles: emergency-medicine.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The oesophageal detector device. An assessment of accuracy and ease of use by paramedics.
Accuracy, ease and speed of recognition of tracheal tube position were assessed using the oesophageal detector device in a series of 40 tests on 29 patients. A single blind method was used, with each paramedic performing a single test on each patient. The tests were randomly split between two groups consisting of those tests performed on the tracheal or oesophageal tube respectively. ⋯ Each paramedic also graded speed of recognition of position and ease of use of the device. Recognition of position was graded as instant in 37 out of 40 tests. Use of the oesophageal detector device by previously inexperienced paramedics has thus been shown to be accurate, rapid and easy to learn.
Comparative Study
Emergency medicine career change: associations with performances in medical school and in the first postgraduate year and with indebtedness.
Emergency medicine has been identified as the specialty that has gained the most young physicians who have changed their careers. To identify factors that may have contributed to such career changes, the authors compared the characteristics of three groups of physicians trained at their medical school: those who chose and stayed in emergency medicine, those who migrated into emergency medicine from other specialties, and those who moved out of emergency medicine. ⋯ High academic performance and high indebtedness are factors associated with choosing or staying in the specialty of emergency medicine.
Comparative Study
Analysis of emergency department interpretation of electrocardiograms.
The objective of the study was to determine the concordance of emergency physicians' and cardiologists' interpretations of emergency department (ED) electrocardiograms (ECG), to evaluate the impact of ECG misinterpretation on patient management, and to determine error rates as a function of the level of physician training and the specific ECG diagnoses. ECG interpretations were registered prospectively using a programmed-response data sheet. A second blinded interpretation by a staff cardiologist was assumed to be correct. ⋯ While discordance was significant, errors in ECG interpretation rarely impacted patient management. Prospective evaluation of ECG interpretation may be a useful means of gauging physician skills. It can also serve to focus educational activities on problem areas in electrocardiography.
An academic emergency group was surveyed to determine if scheduling night shifts in blocks ("floats") improved attitudes and functioning. Seven physicians worked most of their nights as floats. Another four chose only isolated nights. ⋯ Physicians have different adaptability to night work. For some, concentrating night shifts is a useful strategy for improving shift work. This would require shorter shifts and larger groups than are now commonplace.