Articles: emergency-medicine.
This study was designed to determine the general characteristics, training expectations, and career goals of those individuals entering Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowships in 1992 through the NRMP Pediatric Emergency Medicine Match. A 20-item questionnaire was developed and sent to those individuals who successfully obtained fellowship positions through the 1991-1992 Match. All of the respondents will have completed a formal pediatric residency program, and 90% will have completed their residency since 1990. ⋯ If the respondents had not obtained positions this year, 79% felt that they would have reapplied next year. When asked why they are pursuing a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship, 85% listed opportunities in clinical medicine as their primary reason, while 10% claimed that research opportunity was the most important factor. When their fellowships are completed, 77% hope to practice at a university-based children's hospital, and 10% hope to practice at a private children's hospital.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This study was designed to examine the results of emergency room resuscitative thoracotomy (ERRT) and to formulate cost-effective indications for this procedure. A retrospective study was performed of 28 patients who had ERRT at St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center, Youngstown, Ohio, during the 4 years from July 1985 through June 1989. ⋯ There were no survivors in the group of patients with no SOL at the scene, and there were no neurologically intact survivors among blunt trauma patients with no SOL upon arrival at the ER. An algorithm based on mechanism of injury and presence or absence of SOL at the scene and in the ER is proposed. This algorithm would decrease the number of ERRTs performed by 41% without decreasing the number of neurologically intact survivors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Interpretation of radiologic images is an essential skill for the emergency physician. This is the second of two sets of objectives for an off-service rotation in radiology. ⋯ This series addresses commonly used imaging modalities such as contrast media, ultrasound, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance imaging. This set of objectives may be used to guide a one-month radiology rotation or to serve as part of a teaching program integrated with didactic training and emergency department experience.
Pediatr. Clin. North Am. · Oct 1992
ReviewTriage, initial assessment, and early treatment of the pediatric trauma patient.
It should be clear from this overview of triage, assessment, and initial care that early involvement by the leader of the trauma team is essential. Because operative intervention is so often necessary, the trauma team leader should be a surgeon with specialized training in trauma. The complex decision-making process involves prioritizing approaches by emergency room physicians, pediatricians, and surgical specialties in patients with multiple injuries. Even with single-system injury a rapid and logical approach to assessment and treatment is necessary in light of an overall longer term management plan.