Articles: emergency-medicine.
Investigative radiology · Nov 1990
A joint course in emergency radiology for residents in radiology and in emergency medicine.
A basic course in emergency radiology has been developed and taught jointly to first- and second-year radiology residents and emergency medicine residents at the Medical College of Georgia. The course, comprising thirty-five lectures, was presented in a 5-month block. ⋯ There was a wider gap in scores between the two groups on the practical than on the written examination. All participants considered the course useful and the material presented to be immediately applicable.
Emergency Medical Services are an area of special interest in emergency medicine. Many emergency physicians are called upon to direct, train, or manage emergency medical services. Residents training in emergency medicine have a need for a defined curriculum in emergency medical services. ⋯ The resident must gain experience through on-scene observation, EMT/Paramedic education, medical direction, and quality assurance activities. This paper is one in a continuing series of goals and objectives to direct resident training in off-service rotations. Specific resources, learning objectives, and experiences are suggested.
Acute alcohol intoxication is a commonly encountered clinical presentation in Emergency Medicine. Its role should be considered in many Emergency Department presentations, specifically in major and minor trauma, and in gastrointestinal, metabolic, neurologic, and psychiatric disorders. ⋯ Management of intoxicated patients is generally supportive although complications of chronic alcoholism should be considered. Management should consist of correction of complications resultant from intoxication, as well as observation and the provision of a safe environment for the patient during the recovery phase of acute intoxication.