Articles: emergency-medicine.
Medical training embraces simulation-based education. One important topic that has recently been added to the simulation curriculum at the University of Toronto is unconscious bias. This educational innovation project evaluates a simulation that could be used as a novel instructional design strategy to teach unconscious bias. ⋯ Tangible educational takeaways on team dynamic variation between different gendered team leaders were discussed following the simulation, highlighting its benefit to resident education on bias awareness and response. Limitations include inevitable unconscious bias in facilitators and unequal gender representation in the learner participants, which may impact simulation effectiveness. The findings support translating this simulation to other forms of bias education in future simulation development.
In Alberta, Health Link (HL) provides a 24-h, nurse-staffed, phone resource to the public for health-care advice. HL directs callers to either seek care in the emergency department (ED), with a primary care provider or provide self-care at home. This work aims to describe HL ED referrals prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. ⋯ HL referrals to the ED represent only a small percentage of all ED visits. Based on our definition, most referrals by HL are likely appropriate. The COVID-19 pandemic does not appear to have altered the rates of calls to HL, the number of HL calls referred to the ED, nor the likely appropriateness of those referrals.
Mentorship models deviating from traditional staff-student dyads are beginning to emerge, and the CAEP Women in Emergency Medicine (WEM) Committee has implemented a novel, vertical mentorship program in the hopes of increasing mentorship accessibility across Canada for students, residents, and attending physicians. The vertical mentorship consisted of an attending physician, resident, and medical student all practicing or interested in EM. ⋯ Overall, the implementation of an innovative, national, vertical mentorship program was largely beneficial for the personal wellbeing and professional development of participants. Academic institutions are strongly encouraged to implement formal vertical mentorship to increase access to mentorship for trainees at all stages in their career.
To estimate the association between disability and the demand for medical emergency care by citizens of Peru over the age of 18 years in 2019. ⋯ Disabled persons were more likely to have medical emergencies than persons without disabilities in Peru in 2019. The likelihood of medical emergencies was slightly higher in those with 3 or more disabilities.