Articles: emergency-services.
Prehosp Disaster Med · Apr 1990
Prehospital and emergency department verification of endotracheal tube position using a portable, non-directable, fiberoptic bronchoscope.
Verification of endotracheal tube (ETT) location in prehospital setting and the emergency department (ED) is a challenging task. Unrecognized esophageal intubations with potentially dangerous consequences may occur more frequently in these environments than in less hectic settings. To evaluate the capabilities of a portable, non-directable, fiberoptic bronchoscope (Visicath; Saratoga Medical, Saratoga, Calif., USA) to detect appropriate ETT placement, a prospective series of 22 intubated prehospital, air-medical, or ED patients underwent fiberoptic verification (FOV) of a newly placed ETT. ⋯ FOV confirmed placement in 23 intubations (96%) in less than 25 seconds. Seven intubations (29%) were judged to be "difficult." FOV resulted in five minor changes in management (22%) and was the sole confirmation method for five intubations. We conclude that fiberoptic verification is a promising method of ETT position in air-medical and ED intubations.
Traditionally, the autopsy is viewed as the ultimate quality assurance indicator in clinical medicine, yet very few clinical departments actually incorporate autopsy results in their formal quality assurance plans. Consequently, to investigate how autopsy results can be included on our emergency department plan, the clinical and autopsy diagnoses of 244 patients were reviewed retrospectively and compared to identify conditions that were unapparent or misdiagnosed at the time of death. The study period was from January 1984 through June 1988. ⋯ The results clearly identify unexpected findings and point to the need for more aggressive evaluations of certain conditions. Systematic review of autopsy data as presented has led to meaningful changes and delivery of care to emergency patients. Autopsies are a vital source of outcome-based information that should be part of every ED's quality assurance and risk management plan.