Articles: ninos.
The quality of general practice in Myanmar is currently highly variable. No formalised system of revalidation yet exists and so engagement with continuing professional development (CPD) activities and motivation to further one's own knowledge is sporadic. ⋯ Improving general practice is a key component in helping Myanmar develop its healthcare system; one step required is making engagement with CPD compulsory for the revalidation of clinicians. This pilot has highlighted existing inadequacies within current training of GPs, as well as the potential benefits of implementing a CPD credit reward system.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare systems are experiencing an increased demand for palliative care (PC). To meet this challenge, the PC team at Cleveland Clinic designed an enterprise-wide response plan organized around 4 domains: staff (educational resources and tools), stuff (medications and supplies), space (recommendations for optimizing physical space and facilities), and systems to facilitate high-quality PC delivery to patients. To mitigate isolation during end-of-life care, the Clinic offers "compassionate exceptions" to strict visitation policies, provides personal protective equipment to visitors of these patients, and facilitates virtual visitation via electronic devices.