Articles: critical-illness.
This paper examines how decisions to limit treatment to critically ill patients under uncertainty can be made rationally. Expected utility theory offers one way of making rational decisions under uncertainty. One problem with using this approach is that we may not know the value of each option. ⋯ Critically ill patients are allowed to die because it is believed that their lives will be not worth living. It is likely that some patients are allowed to die when there is some objective chance of worthwhile future life. This paper argues that a policy of treating critically ill patients until the nature of future options can be better evaluated, in company with an offer of subsequent euthanasia where appropriate, allows a more rational and humane approach to treatment limitation decisions under uncertainty.
The relative importance of neurologic dysfunction in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients has not been well studied. This study investigates the prevalence of neurologic dysfunction in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients and its influence on preventing the discontinuation of mechanical ventilation and patient outcome. ⋯ There is a high prevalence of neurologic dysfunction in critically ill patients and this problem plays a significant role in preventing the discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Altered mental status is a major factor necessitating continued mechanical ventilation in combined medical-surgical intensive care units.