Articles: critical-illness.
Journal of critical care · Apr 2024
Meta AnalysisAdverse events leading to intensive care unit admission in a low-and-middle-income-country: A prospective cohort study and a systematic review.
Adverse events (AE) are frequent in critical care and could be even more prevalent in LMIC due to a shortage of ICU beds and Human resources. There is limited data on how relevant AE are among the reasons for ICU admission, being all of which published by High-Income-Countries services. Our main goal is to describe the rate of adverse events-related ICU admissions and their preventability in a LMIC scenario, comparing our results with previous data. ⋯ In this prospective cohort, adverse events were a relevant reason for ICU admission. This result is consistent with data retrieved from non-LMIC as shown in our meta-analysis. The high preventability rate described reinforces that quality and safety programs could work as a tool to optimize scarce resources.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. · Apr 2024
Oxygen-Saturation Targets and Cognitive and Functional Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Adults.
Rationale: Among mechanically ventilated critically ill adults, the PILOT (Pragmatic Investigation of Optimal Oxygen Targets) trial demonstrated no difference in ventilator-free days among lower, intermediate, and higher oxygen-saturation targets. The effects on long-term cognition and related outcomes are unknown. Objectives: To compare the effects of lower (90% [range, 88-92%]), intermediate (94% [range, 92-96%]), and higher (98% [range, 96-100%]) oxygen-saturation targets on long-term outcomes. ⋯ Telephone Montreal Cognitive Assessment score did not differ between lower and intermediate (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.36 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.92-2.00]), intermediate and higher (adjusted OR, 0.90 [95% CI, 0.62-1.29]), or higher and lower (adjusted OR, 1.22 [95% CI, 0.83-1.79]) target groups. There was also no difference in individual cognitive domains, disability, employment, or quality of life. Conclusions: Among mechanically ventilated critically ill adults who completed follow-up at 12 months, oxygen-saturation targets were not associated with cognition or related outcomes.
Recent changes in guidelines recommendation during early phase of critical illness and use of indirect calorimetry. The aim of this review is to discuss methods of determining energy requirements in the critically ill and highlight factors impacting resting energy expenditure. ⋯ While energy requirement in the critically ill continues to be an area of controversy, recent guidelines recommendations shift toward providing less aggressive calories during acute phase of illness in the first week of ICU.Use of indirect calorimetry may provide more accurate energy target compared to the use of predictive equations. Despite the absence of literature to support long term mortality benefits, there are many potential benefits for the use of indirect calorimetry when available.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Apr 2024
Sedation Research in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients: Proposals for Future Study Design From the Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research IV Workshop.
Sedation and analgesia for infants and children requiring mechanical ventilation in the PICU is uniquely challenging due to the wide spectrum of ages, developmental stages, and pathophysiological processes encountered. Studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of sedative and analgesic management in pediatric patients have used heterogeneous methodologies. The Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research (SCEPTER) IV hosted a series of multidisciplinary meetings to establish consensus statements for future clinical study design and implementation as a guide for investigators studying PICU sedation and analgesia. ⋯ These SCEPTER IV consensus statements are comprehensive and may assist investigators in the design, enrollment, implementation, and dissemination of studies involving sedation and analgesia of PICU patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Implementation may strengthen the rigor and reproducibility of research studies on PICU sedation and analgesia and facilitate the synthesis of evidence across studies to improve the safety and quality of care for PICU patients.
Journal of critical care · Apr 2024
Effects of education, income and employment on ICU and post-ICU survival - A nationwide Swedish cohort study of individual-level data with 1-year follow up.
The aim of this study was to examine relationships between education, income, and employment (socioeconomic status, SES) and intensive care unit (ICU) survival and survival 1 year after discharge from ICU (Post-ICU survival). ⋯ Significant relationships between low SES in the critically ill and increased risk of death indicate that it is important to identify and support patients with low SES to improve survival after intensive care. Studies of survival after critical illness need to account for participants SES.