Articles: anesthetics.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
An International, Multicenter, Observational Study of Cerebral Oxygenation during Infant and Neonatal Anesthesia.
General anesthesia during infancy is associated with neurocognitive abnormalities. Potential mechanisms include anesthetic neurotoxicity, surgical disease, and cerebral hypoxia-ischemia. This study aimed to determine the incidence of low cerebral oxygenation and associated factors during general anesthesia in infants. ⋯ Mild and moderate low cerebral saturation occurred frequently, whereas severe low cerebral saturation was uncommon. Low mean arterial pressure was common and not well associated with low cerebral saturation. Unrecognized severe desaturation lasting 3 min or longer in infants seems unlikely to explain the subsequent development of neurocognitive abnormalities.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Local Infiltration Analgesia With Liposomal Bupivacaine Improves Pain Scores and Reduces Opioid Use After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Local infiltration analgesia (LIA) with liposomal bupivacaine (LB) in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has yielded mixed results. The PILLAR study, which was designed to minimize limitations associated with previous studies, compared the effects of LIA with or without LB on pain scores, opioid consumption, including proportion of opioid-free patients, time to first opioid rescue, and safety after primary unilateral TKA. ⋯ This study provides data on LIA with LB administered using optimal techniques specific to TKA. In this setting, LIA with LB significantly improved postsurgical pain, opioid consumption, and time to first opioid rescue, with more opioid-free patients and no unexpected safety concerns.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Impact of inhalational versus intravenous anaesthesia on early delirium and long-term survival in elderly patients after cancer surgery: study protocol of a multicentre, open-label, and randomised controlled trial.
Elderly patients who have solid organ cancer often receive surgery. Some of them may develop delirium after surgery and delirium development is associated with worse outcomes. Furthermore, despite all of the advances in medical care, the long-term survival in cancer patients is far from optimal. Evidences suggest that choice of anaesthetics during surgery, that is, either inhalational or intravenous anaesthetics, may influence outcomes. However, the impact of general anaesthesia type on the occurrence of postoperative delirium is inconclusive. Although retrospective studies suggest that propofol-based intravenous anaesthesia was associated with longer survival after cancer surgery when compared with inhalational anaesthesia, prospective studies as such are still lacking. The purposes of this randomised controlled trial are to test the hypotheses that when compared with sevoflurane-based inhalational anaesthesia, propofol-based intravenous anaesthesia may reduce the incidence of early delirium and prolong long-term survival in elderly patients after major cancer surgery. ⋯ The study protocol has been approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committees of Peking University First Hospital (2015[869]) and all participating centres. The results of early and long-term outcomes will be analysed and reported separately.
Minerva anestesiologica · Nov 2017
Multicenter Study Observational StudyIndividual duration of axillary brachial plexus block is unpredictable: a prospective double centred observational study.
The duration of effect for axillary plexus block using ropivacaine is highly variable. The available literature does not offer any plausible means of predicting time of block offset for individual patients, making it difficult to give accurate information and plan postoperative analgesics. This study was designed to identify factors influencing axillary plexus block offset time. ⋯ This prospective study demonstrates a large inter individual variation in time of axillary plexus block offset using ropivacaine 0.75%. The lack of association between offset time and both demographic and block performance factors, makes predictability of individual duration of axillary plexus blocks in clinical practice extremely difficult. We suggest that all patients should be made aware of such variability in duration prior to block placement.
Multicenter Study
Specialist perioperative allergy clinic services in the UK 2016: Results from the Royal College of Anaesthetists Sixth National Audit Project.
Guidelines for investigation of perioperative drug allergy exist, but the quality of services is unknown. Specialist perioperative anaphylaxis services were surveyed through the Royal College of Anaesthetists 6th National Audit Project. ⋯ Diagnostic testing is not harmonized, with marked variability in the NMBA panels used to identify safe alternatives. Chlorhexidine and latex are not part of routine testing in many centres. Poor access to services and patient information provision require attention. Harmonization of diagnostic approach is desirable, particularly with regard to a minimum NMBA panel for identification of safe alternatives.