Articles: anesthetics.
The authors have developed a method for studying the action of volatile anesthetics in Caenorhabditis elegans (C.e.), a free living nematode. C.e. appears to be a useful model for the study of the influence of genetics on susceptibility to anesthetics. This worm has a small, completely defined nervous system, easily manipulated genetics, and a large number of nervous system mutants. ⋯ HS1 is uncoordinated when not exposed to anesthetics. Like the normal strain (N2) HS1 loses mobility when exposed to anesthetics. The ED50S for various anesthetics in HS1 were as follows: methoxyflurane 0.04%, chloroform 0.52%, halothane 0.85%, isoflurane 4.9%, enflurane 6.0%, fluroxene 10.9%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. · Jun 1985
Drug interactions and vasoconstrictors used in local anesthetic solutions.
This study examined widely advertised interactions between sympathomimetic amine vasoconstrictors currently used in dental local anesthetic solutions and MAO inhibitors (phenelzine, 5 mg/kg), phenothiazines (chlorpromazine, 2 mg/kg), and tricyclic antidepressants (desipramine, 2 mg/kg). Twelve greyhound dogs premedicated with morphine and anesthetized with urethane and alpha-chloralose were prepared for physiologic recordings. During a control period, the dogs received bolus injections of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and levonordefrin sufficient to construct log-linear dose-response curves for each agent. ⋯ Cardiovascular responses were not influenced by the coadministration of local anesthetics or by the prior administration of phenelzine. Chlorpromazine ameliorated pressor responses to norepinephrine and levonordephrin and reversed the hypertensive effect of high-dose epinephrine. Desipramine significantly increased vasoconstrictor potencies, particularly those of levonordefrin and norepinephrine, which were multiplied more than sixfold.
Arch Ophthalmol Chic · Jun 1985
Retrobulbar anesthesia in strabismus surgery. II. Use of a short-acting anesthetic agent.
Forty-two patients underwent strabismus surgery with a retrobulbar injection of 3% chloroprocaine hydrochloride. In the 18 patients who were followed up in the immediate postoperative period, the average duration of action of 3% chloroprocaine was found to be 2.13 hours. In addition to the advantages of local anesthesia, this short-acting anesthetic permits earlier modifications of adjustable sutures and the earlier discharge of patients on the same day as surgery.
Anesthesia and analgesia · May 1985
Acid and alkaline solutions of local anesthetics: duration of nerve block and tissue pH.
The effect of solution pH on the duration of rat infraorbital nerve blocks produced by 1% lidocaine or 0.25% bupivacaine at pH 5.0 and 7.4, with and without epinephrine was investigated in a double-blind study. The time course of tissue pH changes subsequent to infections into the infraorbital area or abdominal musculature of rats was measured with a tissue pH microelectrode. Injectable pH had little or no effect upon the duration of block. Tissue pH was minimally changed by the injection of solutions at pH 7.4, but decreased appreciably with injections of solutions at pH 5.0, or if the injectate contained epinephrine.