Articles: mortality.
Multiple factors contribute to mortality in older adults, but the extent to which subclinical disease and other factors contribute independently to mortality risk is not known. ⋯ Objective measures of subclinical disease and disease severity were independent and joint predictors of 5-year mortality in older adults, along with male sex, relative poverty, physical activity, smoking, indicators of frailty, and disability. Except for history of congestive heart failure, objective, quantitative measures of disease were better predictors of mortality than was clinical history of disease.
The effect of age on optimal body weight is controversial, and few studies have had adequate numbers of subjects to analyze mortality as a function of body-mass index across age groups. ⋯ Excess body weight increases the risk of death from any cause and from cardiovascular disease in adults between 30 and 74 years of age. The relative risk associated with greater body weight is higher among younger subjects.
Various estimates of the incidence and mortality rate of the acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have been published. The studies that led to those estimates were based on relatively small patient populations and employed variable diagnostic identifiers of ARDS. The purpose of this study was to estimate the incidence of ARDS and its mortality rate from a large database to which refined diagnostic criteria were applied. We conducted a retrospective review of all hospital discharges over a 4-year period, using screening criteria designed to select patients with ARDS. Discharges from all acute care hospitals in the state of Maryland were reviewed using a computer database from the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC). Patients >/= 12 years of age were included. Screening criteria consisted of ICD-9 codes 518.5 and 518.82 cross-referenced with procedural codes for ventilatory support (96.70, 96.71 and 96.72). Data were normalized to the number of cases per 100,000 people. ⋯ The incidence of ARDS in Maryland is in the range of 10-14 cases per 100,000 people. The ARDS mortality rate is 36% to 52%, similar to that calculated in previous studies.
Bull. World Health Organ. · Jan 1998
Comparative StudyChanges in premature deaths in Finland: successful long-term prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
This article describes the long-term consequences of successful cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention and its influence on premature mortality in Finland, with special reference to North Karelia. Active community-based CVD prevention began in 1972 in the province of North Karelia (population, 180,000). Since 1977, active preventive work has been carried out nationwide, taking advantage of the experience from North Karelia, which continued as a demonstration area for integrated prevention of noncommunicable diseases. ⋯ Among men, CHD mortality decreased in the 1970s, as did lung cancer mortality in the 1980s and 1990s, significantly more in North Karelia than in all of Finland. Among women there was a great reduction in CVD (including CHD and stroke) mortality and all-causes mortality, but only a small reduction in cancer mortality. These results show that a major reduction in CVD mortality among the working-age population can take place in association with active reduction of major risk factors, with a favourable impact on cancer and all-causes mortality.
To illustrate the magnitude of the impact of AIDS on projections of mortality, to explain the reasons for the differences in projections by major international organizations and to provide a simple approach to estimating the impact of AIDS on life expectancy. ⋯ It is clear that AIDS has already increased mortality significantly in many countries and will continue to do so in the coming decades. Uncertainty about current and future levels of HIV prevalence among adults leads to differences in the projections of future AIDS-related mortality. As data and projection methodologies improve, the differences in projections may be reduced for sub-Saharan Africa, but the growing epidemic in some of the largest countries of Asia may increase uncertainty about future global impacts.