Articles: mortality.
Gigiena i sanitariia · Aug 1989
[Complex sanitary and hygienic evaluation of water supply and community health in the area of the sulfite cellulose plants].
The study provides the results of the observation of the sanitary state of water area near discharge of sewage of a sulphite cellulose plant. Sanitary, chemical, bacteriological and toxicological characteristics of water and clastic deposits in the area of water abstraction systems used for economic and drinking purposes near a large inhabited locality are presented. Impact of a water factor on community morbidity and mortality rates has been analyzed.
Critical care medicine · Jul 1989
Cost and survival results of critical care regionalization for Medicare patients.
A ground-based mobile ICU, two medical evacuation helicopters, and a specially equipped fixed wing aircraft were utilized by a critical care transport team, staffed by a critical care physician, ICU nurse, critical care technologist, and respiratory therapist to facilitate regionalization of critical care services from small community hospitals to a central tertiary care facility. Survival, length of stay, age, actual hospital cost, and reimbursement were evaluated retrospectively for 81 Medicare patients transported by the team to a tertiary care facility during a 33-month period. ⋯ Average hospital cost per patient was $36,059.00, average Medicare reimbursement was $13,802.00, and average hospital loss was $22,256.00. We show that regionalization to tertiary care facilities can facilitate access to critical care technology, but the Medicare reimbursement system of diagnosis-related groups makes this concept financially prohibitive for the tertiary care hospital.
Oral rehydration therapy (ORT), has been considered the major advance in the treatment of the diarrheal diseases, and has been the single most important factor in the decrease of mortality and decreased morbidity in childhood diarrheal. ORT, is not limited to the administration of oral rehydration solution; it also includes feeding techniques and community education and participation. ⋯ In México there have been two national surveys to evaluate the ORT program. This policy has allowed for participating countries to reduce the cost of treatment of diarrheal disease.
Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol · May 1989
Abruptio placentae at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu: a 3-year study.
A total of 81 cases of abruptio placentae treated in a 3-year period at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu is reported. The incidence of 0.44% found in the study is low when compared to reports from Europe. ⋯ Management was by rapid and adequate resuscitation by blood transfusion and delivery as soon as the diagnosis was made. The absence of maternal mortality amongst mothers who received antenatal care at the University Teaching Hospital emphasizes the need for adequate antenatal and intrapartum care in order to eliminate the complications of this obstetrical enigma.